Lake Name:

a lake.

Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Grants Contacts

ELKHART LAKE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION: RES - Elkhart Lake Water Quality & Habitat Improvement Project - Prairie Restoration\005C00A0

The Elkhart Lake Improvement Association is sponsoring a lake protection project to install a 25 acre prairie restoration on the Schaff property, located on a direct drainage area on the south side of Big Elkhart Lake. Installation of this best management practice will reduce runoff into the lake, decreasing nutrient and sediment loading into Big Elkhart Lake.

Specific project activities include: 1) broadcast herbicide application to prepare the site for seeding; 2) placement of native mesic and wet-mesic prairie seed by a tractor mounted seed drill as well as broadcast hand seeding; 3) planting of oak trees and shrubs; 4) management mowing and spot herbicide treatment to manage non native vegetation as needed; and 5) monitoring the site to map non native populations when found.

Project final deliverables include: All design plans, pre/post photographs of each BMP implemented, copies of landowner maintenance contracts, and a final summary report with P loading and sediment reductions calculated for the implementation.

Specific conditions: 1) Prairie restoration shall follow NRCS technical guide wildlife planting standard 420 and tree/shrub establishment standard 612; 2) All permits must be issued before construction, and all regulatory requirements apply. 3) The DNR logo shall be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source. 4) Land restored through the Surface Water Grant program shall be maintained for conservation for 20 years and a signed landowner agreement recorded at the County\2019s Registrar of Deeds Office.

The specific objectives, activities, metrics, and deliverables for the listed activities are explicated in the application and supporting materials. This scope summarized proposed work but does not replace or supersede the information presented in those documents.

Project Type LAKE_GRANT - Lake Protection Grant
Project ID LPT79423
Year Started 2023