Objective: Increase monitoring
- Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
- DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
- Aquatic Invasive Species Contacts
Objective: Increase monitoring
Early detection often means the difference between eradication and ongoing
maintenance to reduce the damage aquatic invasive species cause once they are established. Being able to
quickly determine that a species has shown
up in a new area can also help focus
containment efforts and reduce the risk
to nearby waters. We rely heavily on our
citizen volunteers to collect data and will
continue to work to support their efforts
and increase volunteer participation in AIS
monitoring of lakes and rivers and purple
loosestrife, especially in the Great Lakes
basins. While we are proud of our citizen
initiatives, we also recognize the need for
a statistically sound monitoring scheme
that will allow us to draw confident
conclusions about trends in spread over
time. This multi-year statewide baseline
monitoring effort was successfully started
in 2011 and will continue over at least the
next three years.