a lake.
Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality

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Location: Lakes With: Lake Name:
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Lake NameCountySize (Acres)
0.3 Reservoir Barron7
Anderson Lake Barron15
Bailey Lake Barron37
Barron Flowage No. 1 Barron52
Barron Flowage No. 2 Barron2
Barron Flowage No. 3 Barron62
Bass Lake Barron19
Bass Lake Barron118
Bass Lake Barron20
Bass Lake Barron30
Bear Lake Washburn, Barron1348
Beauty Lake Barron10
Beaver Dam Lake Barron1163
Big Dummy Lake Barron114
Big Moon Lake Barron187
Blueberry Lake Barron11
Bowman Lake Barron11
Buck Lake Barron71
Bullhead Lake Barron13
Butternut Lake Barron145
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