a lake.
Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality

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Location: Lakes With: Lake Name:
Page 1 of 12
Lake NameCountySize (Acres)
Abbotsford Pond Marathon4
Bass Lake Marathon81
Bear Lake Marathon14
Berkhahn Flowage (Townline) Marathon445
Beth Arthur Lane Pond #3 Marathon15
Big Bass Lake Marathon177
Big Eau Pleine Reservoir Marathon6348
Big Eau Pleine River -Un Bay Marathon71
Birch Flowage Marathon4
Bluegill Lake Marathon4
Boathouse Spring Marathon0.37
Bohnes Lake Marathon10
Cemetery Slough Marathon135
Chain Lakes Marathon12
Chain Lakes Marathon2
Clark Spring Marathon2
Clay Pond Marathon6
Crow Lake Marathon9
Eau Claire Flowage Marathon184
Falstead Spring Marathon0.16
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