Air permit public notices
The Clean Air Act and Wisconsin Statutes provide for public participation and input on air permit application actions.
The table below lists air pollution control permit actions posted for public comment along with the deadline for providing comments
and the date of a public hearing, if one has been requested. The application, draft permit and analysis documents are viewable by
clicking on a facility name or permit number. Public hearings for air pollution control permits as well as other types of hearings
and meetings are also posted to the hearings and meetings calendar.
Permit actions will remain on this table up to 365 days or until final action is take on a permit application.
See Air permit final decisions table.
Publishing Procedures
The DNR posts public notices for permit actions and permit public hearing notices on this webpage. Public notices are also published in the Wisconsin
State Journal for one day in the legal notices section. The date of posting on the DNR website is the official start of the public comment period and
determines when the public comment periods end.
Notice to those submitting public comments: Any information, including personal or contact information, submitted to DNR may be considered an open
record and thus, may be publicly disclosed and could be searchable on the internet and/or included in department records in paper form.
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Contact information:
For air permit public comment questions or opportunities, contact Ron Binzley
For questions about this webpage, email
For questions about a specific permit action, click on the name in the Contact column below.
For more information on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Title V petition process, visit EPA’s website.
Current date/time: Monday Mar 03, 2025, 07:04 pm
*Title V petition period ends – this column lists the last day to petition U.S. EPA to object to a permit.
This applies to part 70 permits only. All other permitting action types will show N/A for not applicable.