Impaired Water - Peppermill Creek (Peppermill Creek)
Adams County, Wisconsin
0.00 - 1.71
Condition has remained stable; water is not impaired.
Should never have been listed. However a 2007 Fish Survey indicated no documentation could not be found in the database. Historical records show three 1960 surveys from Nancy Nate but no records for species assemblages were found.More documentation is needed.
Listing Details
Sediment/Total Suspended Solids
Listed For
Current Use
Listing Status
Water Delisted
Attainable Use
Delisted 2008
Designated Use
303(d) ID
Listing Date
Impaired Water Notes
Correction. This stream is meeting its attainable use and should not have been listed in 1998.

Impaired Water Notes
Mike Sorge (SOR) stated that the stream has some historical pasturing and streambank erosion problems and receives agricultural runoff (March 2002 email). The narrative in the Upper Fox Basin plan indicates Peppermill Creek was declassified as trout water years ago because of numerous small impoundments that have increased water temperatures above the optimum trout range. The Priority Watershed plan recommends removing the impoundments to improve water temperatures and to minimize the effects of nonpoint source pollution.

The Upper Fox River Basin Plan identifies the potential use of Peppermill Creek as COLD and existing use as WWFF. A fish survey in 2007 captured salmonid species, with other salmonids observed upstream. Hydraulic modification (HM) is listed as a source of a problem and Temperature and Migration as impacts. These factors are NOT controllable in this stream segment. There are two authorized dams on this two mile reach which are operational and function properly. There is one instance of a road culvert on 1st lane that is currently plugged via boulders. This can be easily removed, which will restore flow in the reach and remove the unauthorized HM. This stream is currently meeting its potential use and should not be included on the 303d list. A fish IBI survey was completed downstream of 1st Lane and macroinvertebrates will be sampled this fall. Due to the fact that salmonids were found and that the HM is authorized, the stream is currently meeting its potential use.

The watershed table also lists NPS as a problem. Currently the watershed land use is comprised chiefly of forests and grassland. Agriculture has decreased over time to only to be 20% (478.4 acres out of the 2350.4 total land area) of the total current land use. There were no obvious NPS issues observed thus it is unlikely NPS is a significant problem. Habitat and sedimentation is listed as an impact associated with NPS. There has been trout habitat restoration completed downstream of 1st lane, and other habitat is affected by the presence of dams, which as described earlier, are uncontrollable.