WAUPACA COUNTY: Keller Lake Management Planning


Assemble and review existing information on the lake and its watershed to determine what additional information needs to be obtained on water quality and land use nutrient imputs. Conduct water quality monitoring for parameters and on schedule as described in the application. Conduct aquatic plant survey.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
Management recommendations target reduction of nutrient and sediment inflows, prevention of exotic plant/animal introductions, improved recreational and aesthetic properties, and continued water quality monitoring.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Assemble and review existing information on the lake and its watershed to determine what additional information needs to be obtained on water quality and land use nutrient imputs. Conduct water quality monitoring for parameters and on schedule as described in the application. Conduct aquatic plant survey.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Assemble and review existing information on the lake and its watershed to determine what additional information needs to be obtained on water quality and land use nutrient imputs. Conduct water quality monitoring for parameters and on schedule as described in the application. Conduct aquatic plant survey.