GEORGE LAKE PROTECTION AND REHAB DISTRICT: George Lake Agricultural Land Use & Wetlands Inventory


(1) Perform an agricultural land use inventory of the George Lake area and create map(s) identifying agricultural acreages, agricultural acres planned with BMPs, agricultural areas where BMPs have been implemented, under what state and federal programs, for what time periods, and county agricultural soil erosion plan acres identified as having potential adverse impacts on surface/ground waters. (2) Identify wetlands on a map using the USDA NRCS inventory and show any wetlands restored from agricultural use; identify sensitive water resources. (3) Review and summarize in a report historical water quality assessment data existing for George Lake. (4) Identify any urban stormwater improvement projects on a map; recommend areas where needed. (5) Recommend changes to local shoreland/wetland ordinances to address water quality issues/problems (6) Prepare a final report including the results of tasks 1-5. The sponsor will provide the Department with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter mailing and public meeting. LPL-334.1: The scope of the project expanded to include delineating the watershed sub basins on the land use maps.

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(1) Perform an agricultural land use inventory of the George Lake area and create map(s) identifying agricultural acreages, agricultural acres planned with BMPs, agricultural areas where BMPs have been implemented, under what state and federal programs, for what time periods, and county agricultural soil erosion plan acres identified as having potential adverse impacts on surface/ground waters. (2) Identify wetlands on a map using the USDA NRCS inventory and show any wetlands restored from agricultural use; identify sensitive water resources. (3) Review and summarize in a report historical water quality assessment data existing for George Lake. (4) Identify any urban stormwater improvement projects on a map; recommend areas where needed. (5) Recommend changes to local shoreland/wetland ordinances to address water quality issues/problems (6) Prepare a final report including the results of tasks 1-5. The sponsor will provide the Department with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter mailing and public meeting. LPL-334.1: The scope of the project expanded to include delineating the watershed sub basins on the land use maps.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Watershed Mapping or Assessment