Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
This report completes the Department of Natural Resources request for further information regarding a review and analysis of data provided by Applied Ecological Services and the development of a project boundary map showing acquisition program recommendations and priorities for the Lower Mud Lake Planning Grant LPL-244. The following report will attempt to fulfill those requested tasks, allowing the Department to reimburse Dane County for work undertaken as part of the Lake Planning Grant LPL-244.
Grant Awarded
Obtain information on aquatic plant species in Lower Mud Lake and adjacent wetlands. Based on information obtained, determine plant management activities. Identify physical and chemical in-lake wayer quality conditions and assess how these conditionsaffect overall resource functions and uses. Assess existing land uses in the watershed and recommend management practices to control nonpoint source pollution. The grantee will disseminate information to the public by newsletter, entire report andsummary report mailings and public meetings. Project results will be reposited at Dane County Lakes and Watershed Division, DNR Southern District and Regional Planning Commission.
Monitor Targeted Area
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Lake Management Plan Development