LAKE GEORGE PUBLIC INLAND P & R DISTRICT: George Lake Management Planning


Analyze historical lake water quality data. Make recommendations for future monitoring. Volunteer to collect water quality data.Delineate watershed boundaries. Produce list of landowners in the lake district and their properties' current and proposed land uses.Identify and map point and non-point pollution sources. Make corrective recommendations for problem areas.Identify and map sensitive areas, including wetland, cropped wetlands, and conservancy areas. Make recommendations for protection and/or restoration. Volunteer will provide air transport to take aerial photos.Disseminate information to the public by public meetings and a final report.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
LPL-101 (1027-02)
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Analyze historical lake water quality data. Make recommendations for future monitoring. Volunteer to collect water quality data.Delineate watershed boundaries. Produce list of landowners in the lake district and their properties' current and proposed land uses.Identify and map point and non-point pollution sources. Make corrective recommendations for problem areas.Identify and map sensitive areas, including wetland, cropped wetlands, and conservancy areas. Make recommendations for protection and/or restoration. Volunteer will provide air transport to take aerial photos.Disseminate information to the public by public meetings and a final report.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Data analysis, report production
Watershed Mapping or Assessment