MARL LAKE P & R DISTRICT: Marl Lake Comprehensive Management Plan


Marl Lake District proposes to development of a comprehensive lake management plan that would be used as a guide for the future management, enhancement, and protection of Marl Lake and its watershed. Specifically, the project will delineate the lakes watershed and existing land use, collect baseline water quality conditions, conduct a comprehensive aquatic vegetation survey, and provide an information and education component. A report in the form of a comprehensive lake management plan will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources in both a paper copy and an electronic copy. Information will be disseminated to the public via a project kickoff meeting, a presentation of the results at the completion of the project, news releases and through articles in the Marl Lake District newsletter.

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Marl Lake District proposes to development of a comprehensive lake management plan that would be used as a guide for the future management, enhancement, and protection of Marl Lake and its watershed. Specifically, the project will delineate the lakes watershed and existing land use, collect baseline water quality conditions, conduct a comprehensive aquatic vegetation survey, and provide an information and education component. A report in the form of a comprehensive lake management plan will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources in both a paper copy and an electronic copy. Information will be disseminated to the public via a project kickoff meeting, a presentation of the results at the completion of the project, news releases and through articles in the Marl Lake District newsletter.
Lake Management Plan Development
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey