TOWN OF MERCER: Lake Classification and Ordinance Development - Phase 2


The Town of Mercer proposes to develop a long range land use and development plan to protect and improve its lakes' water quality and ecosystems. Phase 2 project activities consist of public education of the project and issues, public input to goals and objectives for land use and natural resource protection, determination and selection of alternatives/tools for implementation of goals, identification of deficiencies in shoreland protection to recommend language to update existing zoning ordinances and regulations, and review of enforcement of local ordinances and regulations. The Sponsor will prepare a final report of the project including the results of the above activities. The results of the project will be disseminated to the public by public meeting and local newspaper article. The sponsor will provide the Department with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the summary report.

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Lakes Planning Grant
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Grant Awarded
The Town of Mercer proposes to develop a long range land use and development plan to protect and improve its lakes' water quality and ecosystems. Phase 2 project activities consist of public education of the project and issues, public input to goals and objectives for land use and natural resource protection, determination and selection of alternatives/tools for implementation of goals, identification of deficiencies in shoreland protection to recommend language to update existing zoning ordinances and regulations, and review of enforcement of local ordinances and regulations. The Sponsor will prepare a final report of the project including the results of the above activities. The results of the project will be disseminated to the public by public meeting and local newspaper article. The sponsor will provide the Department with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the summary report.
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
Project Deliverable
Final report of project activities: public education of the project and issues, public input to goals and objectives for land use and natural resource protection, determination and selection of alternatives/tools for implementation of goals, identification of deficiencies in shoreland protection to recommend language to update existing zoning ordinances and regulations, and review of enforcement of local ordinances and regulations.
Issue News/Media Release
Informational Meetings
Ordinance Development or Implementation
Lake Management Plan Development