BOHNERS LAKE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION: Bohners Lake Data Collection and Erosion Reduction Analysis


Determine and delineate watershed boundary; map land use, land cover, slopes, soils, and rainfall data; take 2 upland soil samples and 4 lake sediment samples; estimate voulume and characteristics of sediment entering the lake; develop recommendations forfor erosion reduction; determine trap efficiency of the inlet area; analyze the inlet through Corp of Engineer's 'SETTLE' computer program. Project information will be distributed through newsletter, public meeting, local newspaper article,poster display, and entire report mailing.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
LPL-022 (1002-01)
Reports and Documents
The study included the mapping of inlet watershed boundaries, mapping of land use and cover along with slopes and soils. Estimates of the volume of incoming sediment were made and recommendations were made to reduce erosion from high sediment producing areas. Also general watershed and inlet management recommendations were made.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Determine and delineate watershed boundary; map land use, land cover, slopes, soils, and rainfall data; take 2 upland soil samples and 4 lake sediment samples; estimate voulume and characteristics of sediment entering the lake; develop recommendations forfor erosion reduction; determine trap efficiency of the inlet area; analyze the inlet through Corp of Engineer's 'SETTLE' computer program. Project information will be distributed through newsletter, public meeting, local newspaper article,poster display, and entire report mailing.
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Informational Meetings
Issue News/Media Release