Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
The Phase 1 report includes an introduction to the project, information on the materials and methods that were used to conduct the study, and the results of the study in table form. The Phase 2 study will include analysis of the data and recommended strategies and alternatives for best management practices that will improve the biological integrity of Rib Lake.
Grant Awarded
The Rib Lake Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District proposes to continue the comprehensive lake management planning process. Phase 2 project activities include 1) evaluate the data collected during Phase 1, 2) conduct public informational meetings to gather input for lake management alternatives, 3) develop a lake management plan, and 4) produce a final report summarizing field work, analyzing lake management alternatives, and recommending a course of action. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project will be disseminated to the public by public meeting, local newspaper articles, TV/radio spots, and poster displays.
Data analysis, report production
Lake Management Plan Development