POLK COUNTY: LMI-Polk County Watershed Protection land Use Plan & Ordinances


Polk County proposes to develop a comprehensive land use management plan to protect its lakes, streams, wetland, and ecosystems. Project activities include 1) community involvement, 2) socio-economic inventory and analysis, 3) Physical Features Analysis and Mapping, 4) Plan Development, and 5) Plan Implementation.

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Lakes Grant
Lake Protection Grant
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Polk County proposes to develop a comprehensive land use management plan to protect its lakes, streams, wetland, and ecosystems. Project activities include 1) community involvement, 2) socio-economic inventory and analysis, 3) Physical Features Analysis and Mapping, 4) Plan Development, and 5) Plan Implementation.
Ordinance Development or Implementation
County Land and Water Management Plan
Polk County proposes to develop a comprehensive land use management plan to protect its lakes, streams, wetland, and ecosystems. Project activities include 1) community involvement, 2) socio-economic inventory and analysis, 3) Physical Features Analysis and Mapping, 4) Plan Development, and 5) Plan Implementation.