LAKE PEWAUKEE SANITARY DISTRICT: Pewaukee Lake Management Plan Update


Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District proposes to develop a refined management plan that covers Lake Pewaukee and it's watershed. The following activities will be included in this project: 1) a historic review of water data, 2) current water quality evaluation, 3) review hydrology and dam operation, 4) assess current and future projections for recreational uses, 5) analyze water quality conditions with respect to current and projected future recreation pressures, 6) develop updated lake management plan to reflect current and projected uses and pressures on the lake to protect and maintain water quality for all lake users. The Department of Natural resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by local newspaper articles, newsletter mailings, public meeting(s) and the final comprehensive management plan will be available at libraries and government offices.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
This lake management plan forms a logical complement to the lake management actions that have been implemented on and around Pewaukee Lake, and represents an ongoing commitment by the Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District and its constituent and contracting communities to sound environmental planning. This plan was prepared by the Regional Planning Commission in cooperation with the Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District, and it incorporates the data and analyses developed in the aforementioned lake management-related studies. In addition, this plan also incorporates pertinent water quality and fishery data collected by the Wisconsin Department ofNatural Resources. This report presents feasible alternative in-lake measures for enhancing the water quality conditions and for providing opportunities for the safe and enjoyable use of the Lake. More specifically, this report describes the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the Lake and pertinent related characteristics of the tributary watershed, as well as the feasibility of various watershed and in-lake management measures which may be applied to enhance the water quality conditions, biological communities, and recreational opportunities of the Lake.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District proposes to develop a refined management plan that covers Lake Pewaukee and it's watershed. The following activities will be included in this project: 1) a historic review of water data, 2) current water quality evaluation, 3) review hydrology and dam operation, 4) assess current and future projections for recreational uses, 5) analyze water quality conditions with respect to current and projected future recreation pressures, 6) develop updated lake management plan to reflect current and projected uses and pressures on the lake to protect and maintain water quality for all lake users. The Department of Natural resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by local newspaper articles, newsletter mailings, public meeting(s) and the final comprehensive management plan will be available at libraries and government offices.
Lake Management Plan Development
Data analysis, report production