
The Tombeau Lake Management District will accomplish the following through this project: 1.) Recreational use and citizen concerns will be surveyed; 2.) 2 years of water quality monitoring will be conducted by the USGS on both Lake Tombeau and Benedict Lake; 3.) Recreational use demand and type will be accessed based upon existing and proposed land use. In addition, opportunities for public access will be determined; 4.) Potential threats to water quality will be determined based upon historical information and future land use; 5.) Nutrient and contaminat loads to the lakes will be determined based upon available land use information; 6.) A minimum of two informational meetings will be conducted to share information as part of this investigation with the lake district residents; 7.) The final product from this study will be a compilation of inventory results including water quality and informational use planning information, and a summary of existing and proposed land use information. The report will make management recommendations in regards to the issues investigated and undertaken during this project. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both written and electronic copies of the final reports.

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Reports and Documents
The Lake Benedict/Lake Tombeau Lake Management District owns a low head-water level control dam. The WDNR has ordered that the dam be repaired or replaced. Northern Environmental was contracted to complete a study to help the Lake District identify feasible dam management options.
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Activities & Recommendations
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The Tombeau Lake Management District will accomplish the following through this project: 1.) Recreational use and citizen concerns will be surveyed; 2.) 2 years of water quality monitoring will be conducted by the USGS on both Lake Tombeau and Benedict Lake; 3.) Recreational use demand and type will be accessed based upon existing and proposed land use. In addition, opportunities for public access will be determined; 4.) Potential threats to water quality will be determined based upon historical information and future land use; 5.) Nutrient and contaminat loads to the lakes will be determined based upon available land use information; 6.) A minimum of two informational meetings will be conducted to share information as part of this investigation with the lake district residents; 7.) The final product from this study will be a compilation of inventory results including water quality and informational use planning information, and a summary of existing and proposed land use information. The report will make management recommendations in regards to the issues investigated and undertaken during this project. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both written and electronic copies of the final reports.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Recreational Use Survey
Social Survey of Residents or Users