Watershed - White River and Nippersink Creek (FX03)
White River and Nippersink Creek Watershed


This watershed lies mainly in Walworth County, with small portions falling in Kenosha and Racine Counties. Portions of the Cities of Burlington and Lake Geneva lie within the watershed, along with the Villages of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake, Genoa City, Twin Lakes and Williams Bay. Rural uses cover most of the land area in this watershed. Agriculture is dominant, covering about 47 percent of the land area, followed by forests (13%), wetlands (10%) and grasslands (10%). Urban uses cover almost four percent of the land area. There are over 120 miles of perennial streams in the watershed. No streams are included on the 303(d) list. Impacts are mainly from agriculture, development, channelization and impoundments. In recent years there have been increased impacts from development in this area. Best management practices for agriculture are recommended to help decrease sedimentation and nutrient impacts. Implementation of buffer strips and returning the channel to pre-ditching/natural conditions could have positive effects on the resources in this basin. There are nine lakes in the watershed ranging in size from 5,262 acres (Geneva Lake) to 35 acres (Tombeau Lake). There are three lakes with participants in the Self Help Lake Monitoring Program.

Date  2002

Ecological Landscapes for White River and Nippersink Creek Watershed

Ecological Landscapes

The Southeast Glacial Plains Ecological Landscape makes up the bulk of the non-coastal land area in southeast Wisconsin. This Ecological Landscape is made up of glacial till plains and moraines. Most of this Ecological Landscape is composed of glacial materials deposited during the Wisconsin Ice Age, but the southwest portion consists of older, pre-Wisconsin till with a more dissected topography. Soils are lime-rich tills overlain in most areas by a silt-loam loess cap. Agricultural and residential interests throughout the landscape have significantly altered the historical vegetation. Most of the rare natural communities that remain are associated with large moraines or in areas where the Niagara Escarpment occurs close to the surface. Historically, vegetation in the Southeast Glacial Plains consisted of a mix of prairie, oak forests and savanna, and maple-basswood forests. Wet-mesic prairies, southern sedge meadows, emergent marshes, and calcareous fens were found in lower portions of the Landscape. End moraines and drumlins supported savannas and forests. Agricultural and urban land use practices have drastically changed the land cover of the Southeast Glacial Plains since Euro-American settlement. The current vegetation is primarily agricultural cropland. Remaining forests occupy only about 10% of the land area and consist of maple-basswood, lowland hardwoods, and oak. No large mesic forests exist today except on the Kettle Interlobate Moraine which has topography too rugged for agriculture. Some existing forest patches that were formerly savannas have succeeded to hardwood forest due to fire suppression.

Date  2010


The White River originates from Geneva Lake and has a population of longear sunfish, a state threatened species. Geneva Lake has several tributaries that contain populations of brown trout. The Nippersink River is a good warm water resource that contains large populations of forage and gamefish species. The mussel populations in this system include the state threatened ellipse.

Date  2002

Watershed Documents
Watershed Grants
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Powers Lake Protection And Rehab. District: Powers Lake Ais Management: The Powers Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District will implement a three year aquatic chemical treatment plan. The goal of the plan is to greatly reduce the frequency of occurrence of Eurasian water milfoil, an established aquatic invasive plant and to eliminate the pioneer infestation of Curly Leaf Pondweed. Chemical treatment will take place in late April or early May of 2010, 2011 and 2012. Point intercept plant surveys (following the established WDNR Hauxwell protocols) will be conducted both pre and post chemical treatment. Chemical treatment areas will be determined each year based on the previous year\2019s plant surveys. The project deliverable is a report that includes 1) all raw plant survey data; 2) maps of proposed and actual treatment areas each year; 3) density/distribution maps for EWM, CLP and the top five native plants found each year in the plant surveys; 4) statistical analysis of the plant survey data each year and a comparison between years, to include frequency of occurrence, actual density, relative density, etc as described in the Hauxwell protocol; 5) a written assessment of the success of the chemical treatment plan implementation; 6) a written assessment of the shifts in the plant community over the three years of the project and 7) recommendations for future management.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Geneva Lake Ssw Rapid Response 1- Chemical Treatment, Monitoring, And Education: The Geneva Lake Environmental Agency is sponsoring a project to seasonally control starry stonewort, an exotic algal species in Geneva Lake by implementing two chemical treatments, a CBCW program, community outreach and plant survey work.

Project final deliverables include: An electronic copy of the final report, an electronic copy of the dredging bid ready plans and entry of CBCW data into SWIMS.

Specific project activities include: 1) Placement of educational buoys in the water; 2) Implement CBCW activities at the public boat launches; 3) conduct two chemical treatments to temporarily prevent the spread of starry stonewort; 4) conduct a full lake P/I survey; and 5) development of engineering plans, specifications and bid documents for the planned dredging project.

Special Conditions: The report should contain the following: 1) a summary of CBCW activities; 2) treatment records; 3) a summary of outreach efforts; and 4) Maps developed from the full P/I survey showing the distribution of the top 5 to 7 native species as well as starry stonewort and EWM.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Geneva Lake Ssw Rapid Response 2- Dredging: The Geneva Lake Environmental Agency is sponsoring a project to experimentally control starry stonewort, an exotic algal species in Geneva Lake by completing a dredging project.

Project final deliverables include: An electronic copy of the final report.

Specific project activities include: 1) Dredging 0.6 acres of lake sediment in the bay adjacent to Trinke Estates (to a depth of 2 feet) to remove starry stonewort, bulbils and rhizoids; 2) Dewatering the dredged material on an upland site; 3) Completion of a daily log of activity during the dredging project; and 4) Completion of a photo essay showing construction activities during stages of the project.

Special Conditions: The report should contain the following: 1) the daily log of activity and 2) photo essay.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Town Of Geneva: Aquatic Plant Mgt. Plan - Como: The Town of Geneva will contract with Liesch Environmental to conduct an aquatic plant survey and to develop an aquatic plant management plan. Public informational meetings will be conducted to aid in the development of the plan. Volunteers from the Lake Como property owners association will assist Liesch Environmental with the conduct of the plant survey. The project deliverable will be an aquatic plant management plan containing the results of the plant survey and all elements as described on pages 4 and 5 of the grant application. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be submitted to the Department of Natural Resources.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Town Of Geneva: Lake Como Ais Survey & Apm Update: The Town of Geneva will hire a contractor to conduct a plant survey and update the aquatic plant management plan for Lake Como. The plant survey will be a point intercept survey with XY points. The lake will be sampled in mid-summer. The final report will contain the following elements: 1) Results of the points sampled, including sediment type found and maximum rooting depth, 2) Results of a general lake survey to map general plant beds, map localized plant beds, map species distribution and a list of plant species found, 3) An aquatic plant management plan that meets the requirements of NR 109.09, 4) GIS mapping of control areas, and 5) Evaluation of the use of chemical control measures for invasive plant species. 10 copies of the report will be provided to the Town.

Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the final plan will be provided to the Department. Exact details for all deliverables are described in the project description of the grant application. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Comus Lake

Town Of Delavan: Delavan Lake Cbcw: The Town of Delavan will continue their Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in 2011. The grant covers 3 years of watercraft inspections to take place from May through October of each year. The Town will hire watercraft inspectors to staff the town launch (506 hours a year maximum). The inspectors will staff the launch during busy times, primarily on the weekends. The inspectors will work approximately 20 to 25 hours per week. The project deliverables include 1) entry of all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database (SWIMS) and 2) a short annual report summarizing each season\2019s inspection program (how many boats inspected, any difficulties encountered, how many hours worked and a log of the dates/times worked).
Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the final plan will be provided to the department. Exact details for all deliverables are described in the project description of grant application.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Town Of Delavan: Delavan Lake Cbcw: The Town of Delavan will continue their Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in 2011. The grant covers 3 years of watercraft inspections to take place from May through October of each year. The Town will hire watercraft inspectors to staff the town launch (506 hours a year maximum). The inspectors will staff the launch during busy times, primarily on the weekends. The inspectors will work approximately 20 to 25 hours per week. The project deliverables include 1) entry of all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database (SWIMS) and 2) a short annual report summarizing each season\2019s inspection program (how many boats inspected, any difficulties encountered, how many hours worked and a log of the dates/times worked).
Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the final plan will be provided to the department. Exact details for all deliverables are described in the project description of grant application.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Walworth County Wide Cbcw & Monitoring: The Walworth County LURM grant proposal is to work with citizens on numerous lakes in Walworth County to increase knowledge on aquatic invasive species which includes both plant and animal which threatens the water quality and ecosystem of lakes, rivers and streams. This project will: 1) Hold a minimum of 16 workshops (8 each year); 2) Coordinate and train local volunteers using clean boats/clean waters watercraft inspection program protocol for a minimum of 10 separate inspection teams; 3) Monitor, map and report data on a minimum of 5 lakes per year concerning the presence or absence of aquatic invasive species; 4) Distribute exotic aquatic invasive species educational material; and 5) Produce and distribute a model ordinance that can be used by local lake districts and units of government.

A full description of the project scope and deliverables is in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Ais Control & Prevention - Fox River Basin: The Walworth County LURM will hire a staff member to work with citizens on numerous lakes in Walworth County, Kenosha County, Racine County and Southern Waukesha County. The purpose of the project is to increase citizen and agency knowledge on aquatic invasive species. The project will last three years. This project will: 1) Hold a minimum of 15 workshops and/or trainings (5 to 10 each year) to provide educational programming to lake groups, user groups and industry groups; 2) Coordinate and train local volunteers using clean boats/clean waters watercraft inspection program protocol; 3) Conduct a minimum of 600 hours of watercraft inspection (200 hours/year); 4) Monitor, map and report data on a minimum of 5 lakes per year concerning the presence or absence of aquatic invasive species; 5) Provide outreach material and contacts to industry groups such as the bait and garden nursery industries (a minimum of 10 per year); 6) Contract for completion of two aquatic plant surveys and produce aquatic plant management plans for North Lake and Silver Lake; 7) Monitor for yellow floating heart in three Walworth County ponds; 8) Map car wash facilities for distribution at boat launches; 9) Partner with three counties to provide educational programming and fulfill citizen informational requests; and 10) Respond to reports of new AIS occurrences and help coordinate a containment or eradication strategy where appropriate. A full description of the project scope and deliverables is in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report. The DNR will also be provided with semi-annual electronic reports. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Walworth County: Walworth Co. Ais Control & Prevention Program: The Walworth County LURM will hire a staff member to work with citizens on numerous lakes in Walworth County, Kenosha County, Racine County and Southern Waukesha County. The purpose of the project is to increase citizen and agency knowledge on aquatic invasive species. The project will last three years. This project will: 1) Hold a minimum of 15 workshops and/or trainings (5 to 10 each year) to provide educational programming to lake groups, user groups and industry groups; 2) Coordinate and train local volunteers using clean boats/clean waters watercraft inspection program protocol; 3) Conduct a minimum of 600 hours of watercraft inspection (200 hours/year); 4) Participate in the State Bait Dealer Initiative, media outreach and landing blitz programs; 5) Provide outreach material and contacts to industry groups such as the bait and garden nursery industries (a minimum of 10 per year); 6) Contract for completion of two aquatic plant surveys and produce aquatic plant management plans for two lakes; 7) Monitor for yellow floating heart, Chinese lotus and water pennywort in the Delavan Lake area; 8) Map car wash facilities for distribution at boat launches in Racine and Kenosha counties; 9) Partner with three counties to provide educational programming and fulfill citizen informational requests; and 10) Respond to reports of new AIS occurrences and help coordinate a containment or eradication strategy where appropriate. A full description of the project scope and deliverables is in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report. The DNR will also be provided with semi-annual electronic reports. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Conservancy: Prev - Geneva Lake Boat Cleaning Station: The Geneva Lake Conservancy is sponsoring a project to purchase and use a CD3 Boat Cleaning Unit for Geneva Lake.

Project final deliverables include: a report summarizing use of the unit each year.

Specific project activities include: 1) use of the CD3 unit at multiple launches on Geneva Lake; 2) electronic log of use of unit and tools; and 3) annual written summary of use of unit with statistics generated by electronic log.

Special Conditions: 1) The daily use log with location information shall be entered into the CBCW database; 2) Useful life of the CD3 unit is 8 years 3) Ongoing CBCW efforts are required at landings where the CD3 is employed throughout the life of the grant

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Prev - Geneva Lake- Cd3 System Roadside: The Geneva Lake Environmental Agency (GLEA) is sponsoring a project to install, operate, and maintain four CD3 \2018Roadside\2019 Units at municipal launches around Geneva Lake, to provide AIS education and prevention signage/tools for lake users. GLEA\2019s goal is to prevent the spread of AIS into and out of Geneva Lake, while educating lake users on the proper prevention steps.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Monthly usage reports; 2) End of Season Report; 3) Documentation of CD3 Roadside Unit installations

Specific project activities include: 1.) Installation of four CD3 \2018Roadside\2019 units at Geneva Lake municipal launches 2.) Tracking usage of the units via CBCW inspectors staffing the same launches, and via voluntary online survey

Special Conditions: 1) Documentation of CD3 Roadside Unit installations will be provided; 2) Grantee must complete any required local permitting; 3) 200 hours hours of watercraft inspection time per launch is required during the tenure of this project (being funded with separate CBCW grants); 4) Final report needs DNR review and approval; 5) DNR will be provided electronic copies of usage reports and final report; 6) all CBCW data will be entered into the SWIMS database

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Jackson Creek

Town Of Delavan: Delavan Lake Cbcw: The Town of Delavan will continue their Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in 2011. The grant covers 3 years of watercraft inspections to take place from May through October of each year. The Town will hire watercraft inspectors to staff the town launch (506 hours a year maximum). The inspectors will staff the launch during busy times, primarily on the weekends. The inspectors will work approximately 20 to 25 hours per week. The project deliverables include 1) entry of all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database (SWIMS) and 2) a short annual report summarizing each season\2019s inspection program (how many boats inspected, any difficulties encountered, how many hours worked and a log of the dates/times worked).
Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the final plan will be provided to the department. Exact details for all deliverables are described in the project description of grant application.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Pell Lake

Village Of Bloomfield: Pell Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan Update: The Village of Bloomfield is sponsoring a project to create an aquatic plant management (APM) plan.

Activities: 1) Conduct a full point intercept (PI) survey on Pell Lake 2) Analyze data collected 3) Write report and APM plan.

Deliverables: 1) Electronic copy of the excel spreadsheet containing the raw PI data; 2) Summary tables of the frequency of occurrence and rake densities by species; 3) Distribution maps for prominent plant species showing locations found and densities; 4) Summary of chemical treatments and harvesting activities from the past 5 years; 5) Discussion and analysis of data collected; 6) Options for chemical treatment on the lake 7) Development of a harvesting plan.

Conditions: 1) Provide DNR Biologist with draft management plan for review. 2) Reference Aquatic Plant Management In Wisconsin guidance for aquatic plant monitoring and APM plan development (https://www3.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/UWEXLakes/Documents/ecology/Aquatic%20Plants/APMguideFull2010.pdf 3) PI surveys shall follow Recommended Baseline Monitoring of Aquatic Plants in Wisconsin: Sampling Design, Field and Laboratory Procedures, Data Entry and Analysis, and Applications, publication number PUB-SS-1068. Submit electronic point intercept data to this email address: DNRBaselineAquaticPlants@wisconsin.gov

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Also see B. Special Conditions below.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Turtle Creek

Town Of Delavan: Delavan Lake Cbcw: The Town of Delavan will continue their Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in 2011. The grant covers 3 years of watercraft inspections to take place from May through October of each year. The Town will hire watercraft inspectors to staff the town launch (506 hours a year maximum). The inspectors will staff the launch during busy times, primarily on the weekends. The inspectors will work approximately 20 to 25 hours per week. The project deliverables include 1) entry of all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database (SWIMS) and 2) a short annual report summarizing each season\2019s inspection program (how many boats inspected, any difficulties encountered, how many hours worked and a log of the dates/times worked).
Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the final plan will be provided to the department. Exact details for all deliverables are described in the project description of grant application.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved

Town Of Delavan: Delavan Lake Cbcw: The Town of Delavan will continue their Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in 2011. The grant covers 3 years of watercraft inspections to take place from May through October of each year. The Town will hire watercraft inspectors to staff the town launch (506 hours a year maximum). The inspectors will staff the launch during busy times, primarily on the weekends. The inspectors will work approximately 20 to 25 hours per week. The project deliverables include 1) entry of all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database (SWIMS) and 2) a short annual report summarizing each season\2019s inspection program (how many boats inspected, any difficulties encountered, how many hours worked and a log of the dates/times worked).
Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the final plan will be provided to the department. Exact details for all deliverables are described in the project description of grant application.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Elizabeth Lake

Village Of Twin Lakes: Twin Lakes (Mary & Elizabeth) Clean Boats Clean Waters 2013: The Village of Twin Lakes is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2013 on the twin lakes of Lake Mary and Lake Elizabth and includes a landing inspection program at 2 public boat launches.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Elizabeth Lake

Twin Lakes P & R District: Lakes Mary & Elizabeth 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: The Twin Lakes P&R District is sponsoring a 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters project including 2 public landings on Lake Mary and Lake Elizabeth.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Elizabeth Lake

Twin Lakes P & R District: Twin Lakes Lake P&R District 2016 Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Twin Lakes Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at two public boat landing on Lake Mary and Lake Elizabeth.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Elizabeth Lake

Twin Lakes P & R District: Twin Lakes P & R District 2017 Cbcw: Twin Lakes P & R District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 2 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LAKE MARY, LAKE ELIZABETH.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Elizabeth Lake

Twin Lakes P & R District: Twin Lakes P & R District 2020 Cbcw: Twin Lakes P & R District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 0 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on MARY/ELIZABETH (LANCE PARK, MARINA).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Geneva Lake Environmental Agency 2020 Cbcw (Fontana & Geneva): Geneva Lake Environmental Agency is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 2 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on GENEVA LAKE (FONTANA, N/A), GENEVA LAKE(LAKE GENEVA, N/A).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Geneva Lake Environmental Agency 2020 Cbcw (Williams Bay & Linn Hillside): Geneva Lake Environmental Agency is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 1 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on GENEVA LAKE (WILLIAMS BAY, N/A), GENEVA LAKE(LINN, HILLSIDE RD, LINN, LINN PIER RD).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Mary

Village Of Twin Lakes: Twin Lakes (Mary & Elizabeth) Clean Boats Clean Waters 2013: The Village of Twin Lakes is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2013 on the twin lakes of Lake Mary and Lake Elizabth and includes a landing inspection program at 2 public boat launches.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Mary

Twin Lakes P & R District: Lakes Mary & Elizabeth 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: The Twin Lakes P&R District is sponsoring a 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters project including 2 public landings on Lake Mary and Lake Elizabeth.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Mary

Twin Lakes P & R District: Twin Lakes Lake P&R District 2016 Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Twin Lakes Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at two public boat landing on Lake Mary and Lake Elizabeth.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Mary

Twin Lakes P & R District: Twin Lakes P & R District 2017 Cbcw: Twin Lakes P & R District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 2 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LAKE MARY, LAKE ELIZABETH.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Mary

Twin Lakes P & R District: Twin Lakes P & R District 2019 Cbcw: Twin Lakes P & R District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2019 at 0 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on LAKE MARY (LANCE PARK, N/A), LAKE ELIZABETH(LAKE ELIZ. MARINA, N/A).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Mary

Twin Lakes P & R District: Twin Lakes P & R District 2020 Cbcw: Twin Lakes P & R District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 0 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on MARY/ELIZABETH (LANCE PARK, MARINA).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved

Village Of Twin Lakes: Twin Lakes (Mary & Elizabeth) Clean Boats Clean Waters 2013: The Village of Twin Lakes is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2013 on the twin lakes of Lake Mary and Lake Elizabth and includes a landing inspection program at 2 public boat launches.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved

Twin Lakes P & R District: Lakes Mary & Elizabeth 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: The Twin Lakes P&R District is sponsoring a 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters project including 2 public landings on Lake Mary and Lake Elizabeth.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved

Twin Lakes P & R District: Twin Lakes Lake P&R District 2016 Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Twin Lakes Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at two public boat landing on Lake Mary and Lake Elizabeth.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved

Twin Lakes P & R District: Twin Lakes P & R District 2017 Cbcw: Twin Lakes P & R District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 2 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LAKE MARY, LAKE ELIZABETH.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved

Twin Lakes P & R District: Twin Lakes P & R District 2020 Cbcw: Twin Lakes P & R District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 0 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on MARY/ELIZABETH (LANCE PARK, MARINA).

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Army Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Army Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Benedict Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Benedict Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Booth Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Booth Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Camp Lake

Camp & Center Lakes Rehabilitation District: Res-Camp And Center Lake Bmps, Shoreline Restoration: Camp and Center P & R District intends to install a number of shoreland stabilizations measures on multiple properties on both Camp and Center lakes. The District also intends to install a number of BMP's on multiple properties draining to Camp and Center Lakes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Cedar Grove Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Cedar Grove Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Ceylon Lagoon

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Ceylon Lagoon

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Comus Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Comus Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Congdon Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Congdon Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Cravath Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Cravath Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Delavan Lake Sd: Lmi-Permeable Paver Roadway - Delavan Lake Association, Inc.: The Delavan Lake Sanitary District will partner with the Assembly Park subdivision to facilitate the installation of 243,000 square feet of permeable pavers for a 25.4 acre subdivision. Approximately 5 acres of local paved roads will be removed and replaced with permeable pavers. Assembly Park will enter into a 10 year maintenance agreement with the Delavan Lake Sanitary District to retain the pavers. The project deliverables include a narrative detailing the installation of the pavers and a photo essay documenting each step of the construction project.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Delavan Lake Sd: Acq-Brown'S Channel Watershed Land Acquisition #1: The Delavan Lake Sanitary District (DLSD) will use this grant to pay for part of the purchase of 18 lots along Browns Channel, part of Delavan Lake, located in the Town of Delavan. The project includes the Brown parcel (1.38 acres) and the Odling Parcel (0.30 acre), zoned Lowland Conservation District (C4). The parcel borders other DLSD lands under protection.

The DLSD will manage two invasive species, buckthorn and bush honeysuckle and other woody vegetation through yearly removal or cutting, with the goal of removing 80% within three years of property purchase. Native species will be planted in areas that non- native species are removed. Bank stabilization and stream channel habitat improvement projects will also take place.

All maintenance and improvement activities will be the responsibility of the DLSD in accordance with the Land Management Plan, dated January 22nd, 2015.

The project deliverable is the completed land purchase of 1.68 acres of land (the Brown and Odling parcels) in South Shore Manor 1st Addition.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Town Of Delavan: Lmi - Delavan Town Park Bmp Project: The Town of Delavan is sponsoring a project to install Best Management Practices along an unnamed tributary to Delavan Lake that terminates in the Town Park.

Project final deliverables include: a copy of the final plans and specifications and a photo essay showing before and after pictures of each BMP element.
Specific project activities include: 1) development of design and final plans for the project; 2) installation of approximately 10 BMP elements along the unnamed tributary to Delavan Lake.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) Volunteer lists, equipment use lists and signatures shall be maintained for reporting in kind volunteer labor and equipment.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

The Grantee should provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Eagle Spring Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Eagle Spring Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
East Troy Pond (Trent)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
East Troy Pond (Trent)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Elkhorn Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Elkhorn Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Lmi-Fd-Lake Geneva Diagnostic Feasibility Study: The Geneva Lake Environmental Agency proposes to conduct a diagnostic feasibility study for Lake Geneva in Walworth County. Project activities include 1) 3 year water quality monitoring program, 2) lake sediment core collection and analysis, 3) evaluation of the hydrological regime of and pollutant loading potential of selected streams draining into the lake, 4) quantification and assessment of the quality and status of biological communities in the lake, 5) public information and issues surveys, and 6) preparation and refinement of comprehensive watershed and lake management plans for the lake. This grant covers the first year of project costs.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

City Of Lake Geneva: Lmi-Stormwater Management Study Implementation-Geneva: The City of Lake Geneva will implement a stormwater management plan. As part of this stormwater management plan implementation, the city will construct 2 strormwater detention ponds with LPT program funding.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Conservancy: Hlr - Geneva Lake Keeping It Blue Program: Partnering with property owners, Geneva Lake Conservancy is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.

All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.

Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.

Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Conservancy: Hlr - Glc Healthy Lakes 2023 Projects\005c00a0: Partnering with property owners, Geneva Lake Conservancy is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.

All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.

Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.

Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Goose Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Goose Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hilburn Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hilburn Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Honey Lake (Vienna)

Walworth County: Acq-Honey Lake Land Acquisition - Lin Property: Walworth County will acquire approximately 123 acres of land to preserve and enhance the water quality of the downstream lake, Honey Lake. The goals of the property's management plan are to permanently preserve and protect the diversity and uniqueness of the existing land covering the Sugar Creek floodlands and shorelines, various wetland plan communities, uplands, and open field grasslands and to provide passive recreational opportunities such as hiking, natura study, and cross country skiing.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Honey Lake (Vienna)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Honey Lake (Vienna)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
La Grange Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
La Grange Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Beulah

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Beulah

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Ivanhoe

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Ivanhoe

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Lorraine

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Lorraine

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Wandawega

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Wandawega

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lulu Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lulu Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lyons Millpond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lyons Millpond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Conservancy, Inc: Acq-Middle Marsh Acquisition: This grant is to aquire the Comar Property of 4.54 acres of upland and marsh property. With this acquistion there will be an easement aquired of 50 foot wide for access to the property purchased.

The closing statement and recording of grant agreement will have to be finalized before issuing payment of grant amount.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Res-Lauderdale Lakes Watershed Protection Project: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District will implement a comprehensive wetland restoration project throughout the watershed.

12/01/99 Scope Change. Wants to acquire land to create a recommended stormwater pond. Money that had been slated to install some BMP's will be shifted to the land acquisition and stormwater pond construction. The BMP's will be installed under the nonpoint program.

03/22/04 Scope Change. Wants to remove Wetland restoration from the project and add Shoreland Stabilization as one of the activities.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Wetland Restoration-Mill: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District will continue wetland/shoreland restoration activities on a property they own. 100 feet of shoreline will be stabilized with a combination of deltalock and biolog and planted with native aquatic plants. The approximately 7 acre wetland property will be restored where necessary. Approximately half of the wetland property needs enhancement. Invasive species will be removed. The site will be prepared and planted with native wetland plants. The project deliverable will be a short report detailing the restoration methods used. The report should contain a few before/after pictures. Department staff will tour the completed restoration site before closing the grant and issuing the final grant payment.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Millpond Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Millpond Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Moelter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Moelter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
North Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
North Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pell Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pell Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peterkin Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peterkin Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peters Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peters Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake

The Nature Conservancy: Acq-Pickerel Lake Fen-Campbell: Purchase of approximately 39 acres of the Campbell property with 1500 feet of lake frontage. This will help to facilitate land management, maintain high water quality, and provide a link to high quality natural areas.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Town Of East Troy: Acq-Potter'S Lake Wetland Acquisition-Torp Property: The Town of East Troy will acquire approximately 24 acres west of Potter's Lake for lake protection and outdoor recreation purposes. Eligible costs include the acquisition of the parcel, appraisal fee and survey costs.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Powers Lake Protection And Rehab. District: Acq-Wetland Acquisition-Powers Lake: This wetland acquisition project includes the following: 1)Acquire through fee simple purchase wetlands reparian to the unnamed stream discharging into Powers Lake; 2)Promote the essential sturcture and function of these wetland areas to ensure positive water quality benefit to the downstream Powers Lake; 3)Facilitate the maintenance of wetland and wildlife habitat within the designated primary environmental corridor tributary to Powers Lake; 4)Encourage public knowledge and understanding of wetland ecosystems through programming in consultation with relevant institutions and agencies.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Rice Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Rice Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Swan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Swan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Swift Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Swift Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Tombeau Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Tombeau Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Tripp Lake (Trapp)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Tripp Lake (Trapp)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Trout Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Trout Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Turtle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Turtle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Town Of Delavan: Lmi - Delavan Town Park Bmp Project: The Town of Delavan is sponsoring a project to install Best Management Practices along an unnamed tributary to Delavan Lake that terminates in the Town Park.

Project final deliverables include: a copy of the final plans and specifications and a photo essay showing before and after pictures of each BMP element.
Specific project activities include: 1) development of design and final plans for the project; 2) installation of approximately 10 BMP elements along the unnamed tributary to Delavan Lake.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) Volunteer lists, equipment use lists and signatures shall be maintained for reporting in kind volunteer labor and equipment.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

The Grantee should provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Whitewater Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Whitewater Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Army Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Army Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Benedict Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Benedict Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Booth Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Booth Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cedar Grove Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cedar Grove Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Ceylon Lagoon

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Ceylon Lagoon

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Town Of Lake Geneva: Lake Como Waste Water Facility Planning: Develop a waste water facility plan. Information will be disseminated tothe public by local newspaper articles, public meetings and a summary report mailing. Project results will be reposited at Town Hall.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Town Of Geneva: Lake Como Sanitary Survey: A consultant hired by the Town of Geneva will conduct a sanitary survey (for septic systems) on the southwestern shoreline of Lake Como in partnership with the Town of Geneva Lake Committee. The consultant conducting the survey will be a CST (Certified Soil Tester). The project deliverable for this grant will be submittal of two paper copies and one electronic copy (on a CD rom) of the final report to the WDNR. The final report will contain the following elements: 1) property inventory; 2) residence inventory, wastewater system inventory; 3) system inspection (tanks, vents, ponding, evidence of failure, distances to wells, etc.); 4) hand-auger borings to describe soil, depth to groundwater and evidence of seasonally high groundwater; and 5) natural resources table (topography, soil types, bedrock, groundwater depth and flow direction).

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Comus Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Comus Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Congdon Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Congdon Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cravath Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cravath Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Eagle Spring Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Eagle Spring Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
East Troy Pond (Trent)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
East Troy Pond (Trent)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elizabeth Lake


Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elizabeth Lake

Twin Lakes P & R District: Lake Elizabeth Aquatic Plant Mgmt Plan & Water Qual Monitor: 1) Conduct an aquatic plant survey. Type soil in transects. Prepare an herbarium of aquatic plant species for the lake district. 2) Develop an aquatic plant management plan. 3) USGS will conduct water quality sampling from 1995 to 1997. 4) USGSwill prepare annual water quality reports and a report for all three years at the end of the project Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, fact sheet, poster display, local newspaper articles, puiblic meetings and final reports.Project results will reposited at Twin Lakes Village Hall and the Community Library, Twin Lakes.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elizabeth Lake

Twin Lakes P & R District: Lake Elizabeth Stormwater Management Planning: Develop a project work plan. Collect data: flood maps, aerial photography, hydrologic and hydraulic design criteria for existing and proposed developments, topographic maps, ordinances and other information applicable to the development of a stormwatermanagement plan for the Village. Delineate drainage patterns to identify critical areas relating to water quality impacts from stormwater runoff. Describe both existing and future land use conditions into a database system. Calculate stormwater flowsand volumes and compute existing and future rural nonpoint source pollutant loads. Analyze and select best management practices to control pollutants. Develop a stormwater management plan. The grantee will disseminate information to the public by news-letter mailings, fact sheet distribution, public meetings, summary report mailings, local newspaper articles, a comprehensive management plan and a poster display. Project results will be reposited at Twin Lakes Village Hall and the Community Library,Twin Lakes.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhorn Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhorn Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Committee To Save Geneva Lake: Geneva Lake Sedimentation Study, Nonpoint Pollution Modeling: Collect data on sediment deposition and distribution in lake. Use Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution computer model to analyze data.Prepare final report identifying point and non-point pollution source problem areas and make land use management recommendations for these areas. Assess model's usefulness for this project.Disseminate information to the public by newsletter mailings, fact sheets, local newpaper articles, public meeting, tv or radio spots, poster displays, and summary report mailings.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Geneva Lake Pollution Abatement Planning: Identify the existing and potential pollutant loading areas. Identify different recommendations for problem abatement. Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter mailings, fact sheet distributions, entire report mailings, publicmeetings, local newspaper articles, summary report mailings, comprehensive management plan and TV and/or radio spots. Project results will be reposited at Firstar Bank on Walworth Avenue in Elkhorn, WI; Williams Bay Branch.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

City Of Lake Geneva: Lake Geneva Stormwater Management Study: The City of Lake Geneva proposes to conduct a stormwater management study for diverting stormwater runoff from Geneva Lake to the White River. Project activities will result in an assessment of possible stormwater diversion or retention alternatives.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Geneva Lake Management Planning - Community Participation: The Geneva Lake Environmental Agency proposes to identify and quantify community concerns and opinions regarding fisheries, wildlife, recreational use, aquatic plant, and stormwater management on Geveva Lake for use in refining the lake's management plan. This project will also identify and describe community-proposed solutions to problems identified.
12/22/2000-Change project scope to: Sponsor a technical session at the NALMS conf., Preparing a general knowledge summary of each technical presentation for the layperson of the D/F Study's finding.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Geneva Lake Paleolimnological Survey And Toxic Screening: The Geneva Lakes Environmental Agency proposes to analyze existing lakebed sediment data and perform additional sediment sampling and analysis to assess the potential contamination by hazardous and toxic substances that may be present within the sediments. This data will contribute to the refinement of the Geneva Lake's comprehensive lake management plan.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Lake Geneva Stormwater Control Feasibility Study: The Geneva Lake Environmental Agency proposes to determine the feasibility of controlling storm water runoff to Southwick Creek which runs into Geneva Lake. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by news letter(s), summary report, fact sheet(s) and entire report mailings, public meeting(s) and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Geneva Lake Management Plan: This planning program is designed to compile, analyze and synthesize the data acquired through the various project components and appropriate to a comprehensive refinement of the current Geneva Lake management plan. Goals: 1) )reconstruction of the trophic state history and impact of human activities on Geneva Lake; 2)evaluation of the hydrological regime of, an pollutant loading potential of selected streams draining to, Geneva Lake over a 2 year period; 3)quantification and assessment of the quality and status of the biological communities in Geneva Lake and formulate appropriate management and remedial strategies; 4)promotion of public information campaigns identitying issues of greatest concern to the riparian community and areas where public information is most critical for scientifically sound and sustainable management of the Lake; 5)preparation and refinement of the
comprehensive watershed and lake management plan for Geneva Lake.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Town Of Linn: Town Of Linn 2020 Comprehensive Plan: The grants objectives are inventory the exixting land use patteren and natural resources of the Town of Linn to develop future decisions, complete population, housing, and economic projections to determine growth in the next 20 years. Also, develop a preferred Land Use map for the Town of Linn.
There will be 2 public information meetings, 15 copies of a draft comprehensive plan, maps, tabular statistical information, and presentation materials for public meetings.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Conservancy: Geneva Lake Conservancy Priority Areas Inv. & Prot. Plan: The Geneva Lake Conservancy will be creating a Priority Area Inventory and Protection Plan. This will be a long term plan to guide the Conservancy in its conservation efforts and will also be useful to local governments and other land trust and lake organizations. Goals and objectives are: Develop a series of maps, interview and meet with landowners for willingness in their protection of certain land parcels, select and prioritize parcels, recommend site management plans for chosen areas, and develop a long range plan and innovative vision that provides specific tools and timetables for protection efforts.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Goose Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Goose Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hilburn Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hilburn Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Honey Lake (Vienna)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Honey Lake (Vienna)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
La Grange Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
La Grange Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Beulah

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Beulah

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Ivanhoe

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Ivanhoe

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Lorraine

Town Of Richmond: Lorraine Lake Eurasian Watermilfoil Weevil Study: The Town of Richmond, Walworth County proposes to evaluate the effect of the supplemental enhancement of weevil populations as a selective aquatic plant management technique to control Myriophyllum spicatum. Project activities will result in a field evaluation of experimental weevil stocking, a status report and presentation to the lake group, and a final report including feasibility recommendations. The Department of Natural Resourcese will be provided with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project will be disseminiated to the public by fact sheet distribution, public meeting, and summary report mailing.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Lorraine

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Lorraine

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Mary


Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Mary

Twin Lakes P & R District: Lake Mary Aquatic Plant Mgmt Plan & Water Qual Monitoring: Conduct an aquatic plant management survey; prepare an herbarium of aquatic plant species; develop aquatic plant management plan; conduct water quality monitoring

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Mary

Twin Lakes P & R District: Lake Mary Stormwater Management Planning: Develop a project work plan. Collect data: flood maps, aerial photography, hydrologic and hydraulic design criteria for existing and proposed developments, topographic maps, ordinances and other information applicable to the development of a stormwater management plan for the Village. Delineate drainage patterns to identify critical areas relating to water quality impacts from stormwater runoff. Describe both existing and future land use conditions into a database system. Calculate stormwater flows avolumes and compute existing and future rural nonpoint source pollutant loads. Analyze and select best management practices to control pollutants. Develop a stormwater management plan. The grantee will disseminate information to the public by newslettemailings, fact sheet distributions, public meetings, summary report mailings, local newspaper articles, a comprehensive management plan and a poster display. Project results will be reposited at the Village of Twin Lakes Hall and the Community Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Mary

Twin Lakes P & R District: Apm Plan-Wq Assessment-Lake Mary & Lake Elizabeth: The Twin Lakes P & R District will hire a consultant to conduct an aquatic plant survey using the modified Jesson and Lound method. The survey will be conducted on both Elizabeth and Mary Lakes. The data will be mapped and an aquatic plant management plan will be produced as part of the lake management plan update. The project deliverable will be a completed aquatic plant management plan as well as copies of the results from the plant survey (including copies of the actual data sheets).

Provide final report to the DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper copy and electronic .pdf copy of final report prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Mary

Twin Lakes P & R District: Lake Mgt. Plan - Lake Mary & Lake Elizabeth: The Twin Lakes P & R District will hire a consultant update the existing lake management plan. The updated plan will contain the following elements: 1) summaries of existing information on fisheries, wildlife and water quality; 2) Update on WILMS modeling for land cover and pollution loading estimates; 3) APM plan; 4) Lake level evaluation; 5) recreational use and demands assessment; 6) review and identification of environmentally critical areas; and 7) development of management recommendations. Results of the plan will be presented at the annual meeting. The project deliverable is a completed report containing the elements listed above.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Wandawega

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Wandawega

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lulu Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lulu Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lyons Millpond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lyons Millpond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Millpond Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Millpond Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Moelter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Moelter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
North Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
North Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pell Lake

Pell Lake Sanitary District No. 1: Pell Lake Phase I Lake Monitoring: Pell Lake Sanitary District #1 proposes to conduct studies on Pell Lake to help guide future lake management and planning. The studies include 1) A recreational use survey; 2) assessment of lake and land use; 3) quantification of water quality conditions; 4) aquatic plant management; 5) determination of specific planning needs; and 6) public information meetings. The studies will result in a report produced by SEWRPC.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pell Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pell Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pell Lake

Village Of Bloomfield: Pell Lake - Aquatic Plant Management Plan Update: The Village of Bloomfield is sponsoring a project to update the Aquatic Plant Management Plan and to develop a bathymetric map for Pell Lake.

Project final deliverables include: results of the previously collected 2018 P/I survey in an excel spreadsheet; paper and electronic copy of the report and aquatic plant management plan; paper and electronic copies of the bathymetric map; results of the user survey in an electronic report.

Specific project activities include: 1) using 2018 P/I depth data to develop a bathymetric map; 2) analyzing the P/I data with maps showing the location and density of aquatic plant species; 3) comparing the P/I data to previous plant surveys in tables; 4) compiling the P/I data into tables showing plant statistics; 5) development of a revised harvesting plan;
6) development of a user survey; and 7) a report analyzing the results of the user survey.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Peterkin Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Peterkin Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Peters Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Peters Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Powers Lake Protection And Rehab. District: Powers Lake Usgs Water Quality Monitoring: Continuation of USGS water quality monitoring for 1991 through 1996. An annual progress report will be submitted at the end of each year of monitoring.Project must include an assessment of opportunities for future public access. Information will be disseminated to the public by public meeting.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Powers Lake Protection And Rehab. District: Powers Lake Usgs Water Quality Monitoring: The purpose of this planning grant is to continue water quality monitoring and public education efforts for Powers Lake in Kenosha County, Wisconsin. Powers Lake is one of about 30 lakes in Wisconsin in the long term monitoring program. Water quality monitoring will be continued by USGS for a period of 4 years. The lake will be sampled for water chemistry (19 constituents), dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, secchi depth, lake level (gage) and mid-summer nitrogen and phosphorus species.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Powers Lake Protection And Rehab. District: Power Lake Protection Plan: The District of Powers Lake will hire a contractor to update the lake management plan and the aquatic plant management plan. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following elements:
1) Results of a lake survey sent to lake district residents to determine user perceptions on lake water quality and usage. 2) Mapping aquatic plant survey data collected in 2006. 3) Refinement of currently existing aquatic plant management plan in preparation for an aquatic invasive species grant proposal. 4) Mapping and results of new aquatic map survey. 5) Results of recreational use survey and watercraft census. 6) Minutes and summary of two public informational meetings. 7) Review of dam operations 8) Results of WILMS and UAL modeling 9) Summary of existing water quality data for Powers Lake.

The Grantee must provide draft copies of the report to Craig Helker and Heidi Bunk (DNR staff). Two paper copies and one electronic .pdf copy of the final report must be submitted to the DNR prior to the submission of the grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Rice Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Rice Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Swan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Swan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Swift Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Swift Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tombeau Lake

Lake Benedict/Tombeau Lake Mgmt District: Tombeau Lake Water Quality Investigation, Recreational Use S: The Tombeau Lake Management District will accomplish the following through this project: 1.) Recreational use and citizen concerns will be surveyed; 2.) 2 years of water quality monitoring will be conducted by the USGS on both Lake Tombeau and Benedict Lake; 3.) Recreational use demand and type will be accessed based upon existing and proposed land use. In addition, opportunities for public access will be determined; 4.) Potential threats to water quality will be determined based upon historical information and future land use; 5.) Nutrient and contaminat loads to the lakes will be determined based upon available land use information; 6.) A minimum of two informational meetings will be conducted to share information as part of this investigation with the lake district residents; 7.) The final product from this study will be a compilation of inventory results including water quality and informational use planning information, and a summary of existing and proposed land use information. The report will make management recommendations in regards to the issues investigated and undertaken during this project. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both written and electronic copies of the final reports.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tombeau Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tombeau Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tripp Lake (Trapp)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tripp Lake (Trapp)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Trout Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Trout Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Turtle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Turtle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Whitewater Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Whitewater Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Big Foot Creek Watershed Study Phase I: The Geneva Lake Environmental Agency is sponsoring a project to evaluate the runoff at five locations within the Big Foot Creek watershed. Big Foot Creek drains into Geneva Lake.

Project final deliverables include: an excel spreadsheet compiling the SLOH results and flow rate data and a report discussing the results of the sampling.

Specific project activities include: 1) grab samples at 5 locations \2013 2 storm event and 3 low flow; 2) analysis of grab samples at the SLOH to include total phosphorus, COD, total suspended solids, ammonia and iron; 3) measuring flow rate at the stream outlet for each sampling event; 4) compiling results in an excel spreadsheet; 5) development of a map showing the GPS location of each site; sand 6) writing a short report discussing the results.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Powers Lake Protection And Rehab. District: Powers Lake Water Quality Monitoring: Project is for 1 year of USGS waterquality monitoring, following the standard USGS protocol with the following changes: Additional phosphorus samples in late winter and in August will be taken. Spring turnover sampling will include the full chemistry characterization for near surface only. Near bottom chemical characterization will be eliminated.

Project deliverables include a summary report to the district and inclusion of data in the USGS annual report.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Powers Lake Protection And Rehab. District: Powers Lake Water Quality Monitoring: The District of Powers Lake will hire USGS to conduct standard trophic status monitoring in Powers Lake for one year. The USGS will submit a report to the District summarizing the water quality data and will analyze the data for: 1) trends in lake dissolved chloride concentration; 2) trends in lake bottom total phosphorus concentration; and 3) calculating and evaluating trends in the volume of the anoxic zone in the lake. The project deliverable for this grant will be the submittal of two paper copies and one electronic copy (on a CDROM) of the final report to the WDNR.

Grant Details
Targeted Runoff - Urban Construction
Waters Involved

City Of Lake Geneva: Forrest St Drainageway: to costshare at 70% installation of Forrest Street erosion control practices

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Town Of Geneva: Stormwater Planning: Eligible activities of the stormwater planning project will include analysis of the existing and projected stormwater flows through the town towards Lake Como, recommendations to implement water quality best management practices, evaluation of creating a stormwater utility district, development of town stormwater ordinances specifically to address Chapter 151 requirements, public education, and analysis of practice alternatives.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Village Of Fontana: Stormwater Management Plan: To develop municipal runoff ordinances in compliance with Chapter NR151, map the area's drainage systems, develop a stormwater management plan, provide for public involvement & education.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Southwick Creek

Village Of Williams Bay: Southwick Creek Restoration: The Village of Williams Bay will hire a consultant to conduct a planning study, coordinate, educate and obtain input of stakeholders at planning meetings and prepare a preliminary design to remove a fish passage impediment from Southwick Creek.

The product deliverable will be a report containing the following elements:
1) planning study report documenting existing conditions, coordination efforts, alternatives review and identification of preferred alternative to eliminate the fish passage barrier;
2) meeting minutes, notes/educational materials from educational and outreach efforts to both stakeholders and schools, through the Water Action Volunteers (WAV) program on monitoring streams, and
3) preliminary engineering plan.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR River Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee\2019s final payment request.

Monitoring & Projects

Projects including grants, restoration work and studies shown below have occurred in this watershed. Click the links below to read through the text. While these are not an exhaustive list of activities, they provide insight into the management activities happening in this watershed.

Grants and Management Projects
White River and Nippersink Creek Watershed
Watershed Recommendations
Best Management Practices, Implement
South Janesville Street Detention Basin
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the municipality will construct/install a wet detention pond to remedy discharges of total suspended solids in urban runoff.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Whitewater Business Park Armory Detention Basin
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the municipality will construct/install a wet detention pond to remedy discharges of total suspended solids in urban runoff.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Whitewater Ann Street Detention Basin
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: street detention basin
In Progress
Citizen-Based Stream Monitoring
Collect chemical, physical, and/or biological water quality data to assess the current overall stream health. The data can inform management decisions and may be used to identify impaired waters for biennial lists.
In Progress
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Monitor White River for TP
extensive flooding near Burlington in 2017, took many months for floodwaters to receded. Need data during a normal water year.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Chloride Impact Study for the Southeastern Wisconsin Region
In Progress
Sewer Service Area Planning
SEWRPC WQM Planning, Grants support, TMDL work
sewrpc area WQM planning
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Targeted 9 Element I&E Program of SE WI Clean Water Network
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: a comprehensive storm water information and education program.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Norway- In-Depth Water Quality Analysis & Stormwater Program
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for part of the developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
SEWRPC Burlington Stormwater Study
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. The Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission will conduct a storm water management study for the city of Burlington. The study shall identify the location and destination of current storm water flows, identify city and private property owners that have storm water capacity issues, and provide recommendations for eliminating flooding at the city's major businesses.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Elkhorn Storm Water Management Plan
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance, updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area, new feasibility analysis of alternative funding mechanisms, new storm water management plan for the developed urban area, and updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Water Quality Planning
sewrpc program 2021
In Progress
White River and Nippersink Creek WatershedWatershed History Note

The city of Lake Geneva is located on the north shore of the lake where the White River begins its journey to the Fox River. The area’s modern history began after the civil war when the town became a resort for wealthy Chicago families. These families began construction of the many mansions on the lake, and Lake Geneva became known as the Newport (Rhode Island) of the West. The Chicago Fire of 1871 caused many Chicago families to move to their summer homes on the lake while the city was rebuilt. The construction and maintenance of these mansions, as well as household employment, developed a separate industry in the town adding to the milling, furniture, wagon and typewriter manufacturing enterprises. Railroad access from Chicago made the lake a popular summer retreat for the barons of wealth in lumber, cattle, oil, and manufacturing, and durable goods. Owners of companies such as Morton Salt and Wrigley Chewing Gum built mansions on the lake during the heyday of the roaring 20s. The railroad also allowed thousands of tons of Lake Geneva ice to be shipped each year to the Chicago market, until the beginning of World War II.

Date  2010