
The District of Powers Lake will hire a contractor to update the lake management plan and the aquatic plant management plan. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following elements: 1) Results of a lake survey sent to lake district residents to determine user perceptions on lake water quality and usage. 2) Mapping aquatic plant survey data collected in 2006. 3) Refinement of currently existing aquatic plant management plan in preparation for an aquatic invasive species grant proposal. 4) Mapping and results of new aquatic map survey. 5) Results of recreational use survey and watercraft census. 6) Minutes and summary of two public informational meetings. 7) Review of dam operations 8) Results of WILMS and UAL modeling 9) Summary of existing water quality data for Powers Lake. The Grantee must provide draft copies of the report to Craig Helker and Heidi Bunk (DNR staff). Two paper copies and one electronic .pdf copy of the final report must be submitted to the DNR prior to the submission of the grantee's final payment request.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Activities & Recommendations
Lake Management Plan Development
Grant Awarded
The District of Powers Lake will hire a contractor to update the lake management plan and the aquatic plant management plan. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following elements: 1) Results of a lake survey sent to lake district residents to determine user perceptions on lake water quality and usage. 2) Mapping aquatic plant survey data collected in 2006. 3) Refinement of currently existing aquatic plant management plan in preparation for an aquatic invasive species grant proposal. 4) Mapping and results of new aquatic map survey. 5) Results of recreational use survey and watercraft census. 6) Minutes and summary of two public informational meetings. 7) Review of dam operations 8) Results of WILMS and UAL modeling 9) Summary of existing water quality data for Powers Lake.
Aquatic Plant Management Plan