VILLAGE OF WILLIAMS BAY: Southwick Creek Restoration


The Village of Williams Bay will hire a consultant to conduct a planning study, coordinate, educate and obtain input of stakeholders at planning meetings and prepare a preliminary design to remove a fish passage impediment from Southwick Creek. The product deliverable will be a report containing the following elements: 1) planning study report documenting existing conditions, coordination efforts, alternatives review and identification of preferred alternative to eliminate the fish passage barrier; 2) meeting minutes, notes/educational materials from educational and outreach efforts to both stakeholders and schools, through the Water Action Volunteers (WAV) program on monitoring streams, and 3) preliminary engineering plan. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR River Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee\2019s final payment request.

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River Grant
River Planning Grant
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The Village of Williams Bay will hire a consultant to conduct a planning study, coordinate, educate and obtain input of stakeholders at planning meetings and prepare a preliminary design to remove a fish passage impediment from Southwick Creek. The product deliverable will be a report containing the following elements: 1) planning study report documenting existing conditions, coordination efforts, alternatives review and identification of preferred alternative to eliminate the fish passage barrier; 2) meeting minutes, notes/educational materials from educational and outreach efforts to both stakeholders and schools, through the Water Action Volunteers (WAV) program on monitoring streams, and 3) preliminary engineering plan.
Rivers Planning Grant
The Village of Williams Bay will hire a consultant to conduct a planning study, coordinate, educate and obtain input of stakeholders at planning meetings and prepare a preliminary design to remove a fish passage impediment from Southwick Creek. The product deliverable will be a report containing the following elements: 1) planning study report documenting existing conditions, coordination efforts, alternatives review and identification of preferred alternative to eliminate the fish passage barrier; 2) meeting minutes, notes/educational materials from educational and outreach efforts to both stakeholders and schools, through the Water Action Volunteers (WAV) program on monitoring streams, and 3) preliminary engineering plan.