TWIN LAKES P & R DISTRICT: Lake Mary Stormwater Management Planning


Develop a project work plan. Collect data: flood maps, aerial photography, hydrologic and hydraulic design criteria for existing and proposed developments, topographic maps, ordinances and other information applicable to the development of a stormwater management plan for the Village. Delineate drainage patterns to identify critical areas relating to water quality impacts from stormwater runoff. Describe both existing and future land use conditions into a database system. Calculate stormwater flows avolumes and compute existing and future rural nonpoint source pollutant loads. Analyze and select best management practices to control pollutants. Develop a stormwater management plan. The grantee will disseminate information to the public by newslettemailings, fact sheet distributions, public meetings, summary report mailings, local newspaper articles, a comprehensive management plan and a poster display. Project results will be reposited at the Village of Twin Lakes Hall and the Community Library.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Develop a project work plan. Collect data: flood maps, aerial photography, hydrologic and hydraulic design criteria for existing and proposed developments, topographic maps, ordinances and other information applicable to the development of a stormwater management plan for the Village. Delineate drainage patterns to identify critical areas relating to water quality impacts from stormwater runoff. Describe both existing and future land use conditions into a database system. Calculate stormwater flows avolumes and compute existing and future rural nonpoint source pollutant loads. Analyze and select best management practices to control pollutants. Develop a stormwater management plan. The grantee will disseminate information to the public by newslettemailings, fact sheet distributions, public meetings, summary report mailings, local newspaper articles, a comprehensive management plan and a poster display. Project results will be reposited at the Village of Twin Lakes Hall and the Community Library.
Ordinance Development or Implementation