GENEVA LAKE ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY: LMI-FD-Lake Geneva Diagnostic Feasibility Study


The Geneva Lake Environmental Agency proposes to conduct a diagnostic feasibility study for Lake Geneva in Walworth County. Project activities include 1) 3 year water quality monitoring program, 2) lake sediment core collection and analysis, 3) evaluation of the hydrological regime of and pollutant loading potential of selected streams draining into the lake, 4) quantification and assessment of the quality and status of biological communities in the lake, 5) public information and issues surveys, and 6) preparation and refinement of comprehensive watershed and lake management plans for the lake. This grant covers the first year of project costs.

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Lakes Grant
Lake Protection Grant
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Grant Awarded
The Geneva Lake Environmental Agency proposes to conduct a diagnostic feasibility study for Lake Geneva in Walworth County. Project activities include 1) 3 year water quality monitoring program, 2) lake sediment core collection and analysis, 3) evaluation of the hydrological regime of and pollutant loading potential of selected streams draining into the lake, 4) quantification and assessment of the quality and status of biological communities in the lake, 5) public information and issues surveys, and 6) preparation and refinement of comprehensive watershed and lake management plans for the lake. This grant covers the first year of project costs.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
The Geneva Lake Environmental Agency proposes to conduct a diagnostic feasibility study for Lake Geneva in Walworth County. 1) 3 year water quality monitoring program, 2) lake sediment core collection and analysis, 3) evaluation of the hydrological regime of and pollutant loading potential of selected streams draining into the lake, 4) quantification and assessment of the quality and status of biological communities in the lake, 5) public information and issues surveys, and 6) preparation and refinement of comprehensive watershed and lake management plans for the lake.