Watershed - Sugar and Honey Creeks (FX05)
Sugar and Honey Creeks Watershed


The Sugar and Honey Creeks Watershed covers about 170 square miles and is located in portions of Walworth and Racine Counties. The majority of the watershed (approximately 90%) lies within Walworth County, with the balance in Racine County. Sugar and Honey Creeks come together at the Honey Lake impoundment. Honey Creek continues for a short distance and empties into Echo Lake, which is the downstream limit of the watershed. Land cover is primarily rural, with agriculture dominant (58%). Forests cover over 13 percent of the land area, while grasslands (11%) and wetlands (9%) represent the other major rural uses. Urban lands cover just over one percent of the land area. The City of Elkhorn and Village of East Troy lie within the watershed. The Sugar-Honey Creeks Watershed contains over 100 miles of perennial streams. Nearly 19 miles of streams in the watershed are on the 303(d) list. Although these streams are heavily impacted by agriculture, they still maintain a fairly high diversity of warm water forage and game fish species. The main impacts to these streams include agriculture, development, channelization and impoundments. Best management practices in agriculture should be considered to reduce the sedimentation and nutrient impacts. In addition, where possible, habitat restoration and implementation of buffer strips should be considered to help enhance bank stabilization, fish populations and water quality. At 311 acres, Green Lake is the largest of the eleven lakes in the watershed.

Date  2002

Ecological Landscapes for Sugar and Honey Creeks Watershed

Ecological Landscapes

The Southeast Glacial Plains Ecological Landscape makes up the bulk of the non-coastal land area in southeast Wisconsin. This Ecological Landscape is made up of glacial till plains and moraines. Most of this Ecological Landscape is composed of glacial materials deposited during the Wisconsin Ice Age, but the southwest portion consists of older, pre-Wisconsin till with a more dissected topography. Soils are lime-rich tills overlain in most areas by a silt-loam loess cap. Agricultural and residential interests throughout the landscape have significantly altered the historical vegetation. Most of the rare natural communities that remain are associated with large moraines or in areas where the Niagara Escarpment occurs close to the surface. Historically, vegetation in the Southeast Glacial Plains consisted of a mix of prairie, oak forests and savanna, and maple-basswood forests. Wet-mesic prairies, southern sedge meadows, emergent marshes, and calcareous fens were found in lower portions of the Landscape. End moraines and drumlins supported savannas and forests. Agricultural and urban land use practices have drastically changed the land cover of the Southeast Glacial Plains since Euro-American settlement. The current vegetation is primarily agricultural cropland. Remaining forests occupy only about 10% of the land area and consist of maple-basswood, lowland hardwoods, and oak. No large mesic forests exist today except on the Kettle Interlobate Moraine which has topography too rugged for agriculture. Some existing forest patches that were formerly savannas have succeeded to hardwood forest due to fire suppression.

Date  2010

Watershed Documents
Watershed Grants
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Potters Lake P & R District: Potters Lake Whole-Lake Treatment: The Potters Lake P&R District implemented a SONAR treatment in May 2004 to treat Eurasian water milfoil(EWM). Project elements include 2 SONAR treatments, USGS water quality monitoring for 4 years. EffecTEST and FasTEST sampling, 4 years of aquatic plant monitoring, 3 years of lake inspections for the reappearance of EWM, spot treatments with 2,4 D and 3 years of watercraft inspection. Annual reports will be written separately by the consultant and USGS. The annual project reports written by the consultant will include results of all the testing and monitoring: plant surveys, EffecTEST, FasTEST, lake reinspections, and spot treatments. Watercraft inspection logs will be entered into the statewide database.
The project deliverables will be 1) copies of all test results; 2)two copies of each annual report; 3)a final report to summarize the project and the results of the project and 4)entering all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District will continue their Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in 2012. The grant covers inspections that will occur from May 2012 through October 2012. The District will hire 2 watercraft inspectors to staff Green Lake, Mill Lake, Middle Lake and Pleasant Lake (410 hours maximum). The inspector would staff the launch during busy times, primarily on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The inspectors will each work approximately 20 to 25 hours per week. The project deliverables include 1) entry of all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database (SWIMS) and 2) a short report summarizing the 2012 season inspection program (how many boats inspected, any difficulties encountered, how many hours worked, summary statistics from SWIMS and a log of the dates/times worked).

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Wandawega

Lake Wandawega Improvement Association: Apm Plan: The Lake Wandawega Improvement Association will hire a contractor to conduct a plant survey and update the aquatic plant management plan for Lake Wandawega. The plant survey will be a point intercept survey totaling 184 points. The lake will be sampled in mid-summer. The final report will contain the following elements: 1) Results of the points sampled, including sediment type found and maximum rooting depth; 2) Results of a general lake survey to map general plant beds, map localized plant beds, map species distribution and a list of plant species found; 3) Individual maps of species distribution for the top 5 native species found as well as Eurasian water milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed; 4) Development of an aquatic plant management plan as outlined in the grant proposal; 5) Results of the Sonar Mapping; and 6) Minutes from public meetings regarding aquatic plant issues.

Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the final plan will be provided to the department. Exact details for all deliverables are described in the project description of grant application.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District will continue their Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in 2012. The grant covers inspections that will occur from May 2012 through October 2012. The District will hire 2 watercraft inspectors to staff Green Lake, Mill Lake, Middle Lake and Pleasant Lake (410 hours maximum). The inspector would staff the launch during busy times, primarily on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The inspectors will each work approximately 20 to 25 hours per week. The project deliverables include 1) entry of all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database (SWIMS) and 2) a short report summarizing the 2012 season inspection program (how many boats inspected, any difficulties encountered, how many hours worked, summary statistics from SWIMS and a log of the dates/times worked).

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District will continue their Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in 2013. The grant covers inspections that will occur from May 2013 through October 2013. The District will hire 2 watercraft inspectors to staff Green Lake, Mill Lake, Middle Lake and Pleasant Lake (414 hours maximum). The inspectors will staff the launch during busy times, primarily on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The inspectors will each work approximately 20 to 25 hours per week. The project deliverables include 1) entry of all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database (SWIMS) and 2) a short report summarizing the 2013 season inspection program (how many boats inspected, any difficulties encountered, how many hours worked, summary statistics from SWIMS and a log of the dates/times worked).

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Cbcw Lauderdale Chain Of Lakes: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District will continue their Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in 2010. The grant covers inspections that will occur from May 2010 through October 2010. The District will hire 3 watercraft inspectors to staff Green Lake, Mill Lake, Middle Lake and Pleasant Lake (1152 hours maximum). The inspector would staff the launch during busy times, primarily on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The inspectors will each work approximately 20 to 25 hours per week. The project deliverables include 1) entry of all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database (SWIMS) and 2) a short report summarizing the 2010 season inspection program (how many boats inspected, any difficulties encountered, how many hours worked and a log of the dates/times worked).

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District will continue their Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in 2012. The grant covers inspections that will occur from May 2012 through October 2012. The District will hire 2 watercraft inspectors to staff Green Lake, Mill Lake, Middle Lake and Pleasant Lake (410 hours maximum). The inspector would staff the launch during busy times, primarily on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The inspectors will each work approximately 20 to 25 hours per week. The project deliverables include 1) entry of all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database (SWIMS) and 2) a short report summarizing the 2012 season inspection program (how many boats inspected, any difficulties encountered, how many hours worked, summary statistics from SWIMS and a log of the dates/times worked).

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District will continue their Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in 2012. The grant covers inspections that will occur from May 2012 through October 2012. The District will hire 2 watercraft inspectors to staff Green Lake, Mill Lake, Middle Lake and Pleasant Lake (410 hours maximum). The inspector would staff the launch during busy times, primarily on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The inspectors will each work approximately 20 to 25 hours per week. The project deliverables include 1) entry of all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database (SWIMS) and 2) a short report summarizing the 2012 season inspection program (how many boats inspected, any difficulties encountered, how many hours worked, summary statistics from SWIMS and a log of the dates/times worked).

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Pleasant Lake Protection & Rehabilitation Di: Pleasant Lake Fall Treatment Experimental Evaluation: The Pleasant Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a project to evaluate the effectiveness of a fall treatment in a bay located in Pleasant Lake.

Project final deliverables include: results of the 2019 and 2020 sub P/I surveys for the bay in separate excel spreadsheets; results of the 2019 residual sampling; and a brief report discussing the residual testing efforts by a lake volunteer.

Specific project activities include: 1) implementing a fall chemical treatment (not funded by grant); 2) conducting a summer 2019 sub P/I survey on bay; 3) collection of 10 sets of residual samples after the fall 2019 chemical treatment; 4) conducting a summer 2020 sub P/I survey on bay; 5) compiling results in excel spreadsheets; and 6) writing a short report discussing the residual testing efforts.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Pleasant Lake Protection & Rehabilitation Di: Aquatic Plant Management Plan Update: The Pleasant Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a project to update the Aquatic Plant Management Plan for Pleasant Lake.

Project final deliverables include: all data collected, agendas and minutes for planning meetings, and an Aquatic Plant Management Plan that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion with an implementation plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Complete Point-intercept plant survey; 2) Data Compilation and analysis; 3) Update current Aquatic Plant management plan

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) WDNR review of the draft of the Aquatic Plant Management Plan; 3) WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of data and reports/plans generated as a result of this project.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Pleasant Lake And Lauderdale Lake Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 4 public landings in 2014.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale & Pleasant Lakes 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District is sponsoring a 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters project which inlcudes 2 puclic landings on Lauderdale and Pleasant Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District 2016 Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at two public boat landing on Lauderdale Lakes and Pleasant Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Management District 2017 Cbcw: Lauderdale Lakes Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 0 single public boat landings and 2 public boat landing pairs on LAUDERDALE LAKES, LAUDERDALE/PLEASANT.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Management District 2020 Cbcw: Lauderdale Lakes Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 0 single public boat landings and 2 public boat landing pairs on LAUDERDALE LAKES (GREEN LAKE, MIDDLE LAKE), LAUDERDALE/PLEASANT(MILL LAKE, PLEASANT LAKE).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Pleasant Lake And Lauderdale Lake Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 4 public landings in 2014.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale & Pleasant Lakes 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District is sponsoring a 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters project which inlcudes 2 puclic landings on Lauderdale and Pleasant Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District 2016 Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at two public boat landing on Lauderdale Lakes and Pleasant Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Management District 2017 Cbcw: Lauderdale Lakes Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 0 single public boat landings and 2 public boat landing pairs on LAUDERDALE LAKES, LAUDERDALE/PLEASANT.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Management District 2020 Cbcw: Lauderdale Lakes Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 0 single public boat landings and 2 public boat landing pairs on LAUDERDALE LAKES (GREEN LAKE, MIDDLE LAKE), LAUDERDALE/PLEASANT(MILL LAKE, PLEASANT LAKE).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Pleasant Lake And Lauderdale Lake Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 4 public landings in 2014.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale & Pleasant Lakes 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District is sponsoring a 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters project which inlcudes 2 puclic landings on Lauderdale and Pleasant Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District 2016 Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at two public boat landing on Lauderdale Lakes and Pleasant Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Management District 2017 Cbcw: Lauderdale Lakes Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 0 single public boat landings and 2 public boat landing pairs on LAUDERDALE LAKES, LAUDERDALE/PLEASANT.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Management District 2020 Cbcw: Lauderdale Lakes Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 0 single public boat landings and 2 public boat landing pairs on LAUDERDALE LAKES (GREEN LAKE, MIDDLE LAKE), LAUDERDALE/PLEASANT(MILL LAKE, PLEASANT LAKE).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Pleasant Lake And Lauderdale Lake Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 4 public landings in 2014.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District 2016 Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at two public boat landing on Lauderdale Lakes and Pleasant Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Management District 2017 Cbcw: Lauderdale Lakes Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 0 single public boat landings and 2 public boat landing pairs on LAUDERDALE LAKES, LAUDERDALE/PLEASANT.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Management District 2020 Cbcw: Lauderdale Lakes Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 0 single public boat landings and 2 public boat landing pairs on LAUDERDALE LAKES (GREEN LAKE, MIDDLE LAKE), LAUDERDALE/PLEASANT(MILL LAKE, PLEASANT LAKE).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Potters Lake P & R District: Potter Lake P&R District 2016 Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Potters Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at one public boat landing on Potters Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Potters Lake P & R District: Potters Lake P & R District 2017 Cbcw: Potters Lake P & R District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 1 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on POTTERS LAKE.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Potters Lake P & R District: Potters Lake P & R District 2018 Cbcw: Potters Lake P & R District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2018 at 1 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on POTTERS LAKE.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Potters Lake P & R District: Potters Lake P & R District 2019 Cbcw: Potters Lake P & R District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2019 at 1 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on POTTERS LAKE (BOAT LAUNCH ON L, N/A).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Potters Lake P & R District: Potters Lake P & R District 2020 Cbcw: Potters Lake P & R District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 1 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on POTTER LAKE (BOAT LAUNCH ON L, N/A).

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Army Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Army Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Benedict Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Benedict Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Booth Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Booth Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Cedar Grove Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Cedar Grove Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Ceylon Lagoon

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Ceylon Lagoon

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Comus Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Comus Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Congdon Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Congdon Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Cravath Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Cravath Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Delavan Lake Sd: Lmi-Permeable Paver Roadway - Delavan Lake Association, Inc.: The Delavan Lake Sanitary District will partner with the Assembly Park subdivision to facilitate the installation of 243,000 square feet of permeable pavers for a 25.4 acre subdivision. Approximately 5 acres of local paved roads will be removed and replaced with permeable pavers. Assembly Park will enter into a 10 year maintenance agreement with the Delavan Lake Sanitary District to retain the pavers. The project deliverables include a narrative detailing the installation of the pavers and a photo essay documenting each step of the construction project.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Delavan Lake Sd: Acq-Brown'S Channel Watershed Land Acquisition #1: The Delavan Lake Sanitary District (DLSD) will use this grant to pay for part of the purchase of 18 lots along Browns Channel, part of Delavan Lake, located in the Town of Delavan. The project includes the Brown parcel (1.38 acres) and the Odling Parcel (0.30 acre), zoned Lowland Conservation District (C4). The parcel borders other DLSD lands under protection.

The DLSD will manage two invasive species, buckthorn and bush honeysuckle and other woody vegetation through yearly removal or cutting, with the goal of removing 80% within three years of property purchase. Native species will be planted in areas that non- native species are removed. Bank stabilization and stream channel habitat improvement projects will also take place.

All maintenance and improvement activities will be the responsibility of the DLSD in accordance with the Land Management Plan, dated January 22nd, 2015.

The project deliverable is the completed land purchase of 1.68 acres of land (the Brown and Odling parcels) in South Shore Manor 1st Addition.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Town Of Delavan: Lmi - Delavan Town Park Bmp Project: The Town of Delavan is sponsoring a project to install Best Management Practices along an unnamed tributary to Delavan Lake that terminates in the Town Park.

Project final deliverables include: a copy of the final plans and specifications and a photo essay showing before and after pictures of each BMP element.
Specific project activities include: 1) development of design and final plans for the project; 2) installation of approximately 10 BMP elements along the unnamed tributary to Delavan Lake.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) Volunteer lists, equipment use lists and signatures shall be maintained for reporting in kind volunteer labor and equipment.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

The Grantee should provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Eagle Spring Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Eagle Spring Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
East Troy Pond (Trent)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
East Troy Pond (Trent)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Elkhorn Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Elkhorn Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Geneva Lake Environmental Agency: Lmi-Fd-Lake Geneva Diagnostic Feasibility Study: The Geneva Lake Environmental Agency proposes to conduct a diagnostic feasibility study for Lake Geneva in Walworth County. Project activities include 1) 3 year water quality monitoring program, 2) lake sediment core collection and analysis, 3) evaluation of the hydrological regime of and pollutant loading potential of selected streams draining into the lake, 4) quantification and assessment of the quality and status of biological communities in the lake, 5) public information and issues surveys, and 6) preparation and refinement of comprehensive watershed and lake management plans for the lake. This grant covers the first year of project costs.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

City Of Lake Geneva: Lmi-Stormwater Management Study Implementation-Geneva: The City of Lake Geneva will implement a stormwater management plan. As part of this stormwater management plan implementation, the city will construct 2 strormwater detention ponds with LPT program funding.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Goose Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Goose Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Improvement Association: Hlr - Lauderdale Lakes 2023: Partnering with property owners, Lauderdale Lakes Improvement Association is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.

All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.

Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.

Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hilburn Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hilburn Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Honey Lake (Vienna)

Walworth County: Acq-Honey Lake Land Acquisition - Lin Property: Walworth County will acquire approximately 123 acres of land to preserve and enhance the water quality of the downstream lake, Honey Lake. The goals of the property's management plan are to permanently preserve and protect the diversity and uniqueness of the existing land covering the Sugar Creek floodlands and shorelines, various wetland plan communities, uplands, and open field grasslands and to provide passive recreational opportunities such as hiking, natura study, and cross country skiing.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Honey Lake (Vienna)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Honey Lake (Vienna)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
La Grange Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
La Grange Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Beulah

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Beulah

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Ivanhoe

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Ivanhoe

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Lorraine

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Lorraine

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Wandawega

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Wandawega

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lulu Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lulu Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lyons Millpond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lyons Millpond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Conservancy, Inc: Acq-Middle Marsh Acquisition: This grant is to aquire the Comar Property of 4.54 acres of upland and marsh property. With this acquistion there will be an easement aquired of 50 foot wide for access to the property purchased.

The closing statement and recording of grant agreement will have to be finalized before issuing payment of grant amount.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Improvement Association: Hlr - Lauderdale Lakes 2023: Partnering with property owners, Lauderdale Lakes Improvement Association is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.

All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.

Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.

Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Improvement Association: Hlr - Lauderdale Lakes 2024: Partnering with property owners, Lauderdale Lakes Improvement Association is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.

All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.

Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.

Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Res-Lauderdale Lakes Watershed Protection Project: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District will implement a comprehensive wetland restoration project throughout the watershed.

12/01/99 Scope Change. Wants to acquire land to create a recommended stormwater pond. Money that had been slated to install some BMP's will be shifted to the land acquisition and stormwater pond construction. The BMP's will be installed under the nonpoint program.

03/22/04 Scope Change. Wants to remove Wetland restoration from the project and add Shoreland Stabilization as one of the activities.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Lauderdale Lakes Wetland Restoration-Mill: The Lauderdale Lakes Management District will continue wetland/shoreland restoration activities on a property they own. 100 feet of shoreline will be stabilized with a combination of deltalock and biolog and planted with native aquatic plants. The approximately 7 acre wetland property will be restored where necessary. Approximately half of the wetland property needs enhancement. Invasive species will be removed. The site will be prepared and planted with native wetland plants. The project deliverable will be a short report detailing the restoration methods used. The report should contain a few before/after pictures. Department staff will tour the completed restoration site before closing the grant and issuing the final grant payment.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Res - Don Jean Bay Restoration: The Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District is sponsoring a project to restore 447 lineal feet of shoreline in Don Jean Bay, located on Mill Lake in the Lauderdale Lakes chain. The shoreline is owned by the Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District.

Project final deliverables include: final construction plans, maintenance and monitoring plans, an agreement of project maintenance in perpetuity and a photo essay showing pictures and descriptions of the project before, during and after construction.

Specific project activities include: 1) Installation of 174 LF of rip rap with vegetation at the top of the slope; 2) Installation of 138 LF of vegetated rip rap; 3) Installation of 135 LF of coconut log with vegetation on the landward side; 4) Development of final plans; 5) Development of a maintenance and monitoring plan; and 6) outreach to District members on the project to encourage future shoreline restoration projects.

Special Conditions: 1) All reports shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) all project deliverables shall be provided to the Department in an electronic format.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Res - Don Jean Bay Restoration Phase 2: The Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District is sponsoring a project to restore 500 lineal feet of shoreline in Don Jean Bay, located on Mill Lake in the Lauderdale Lakes chain. The shoreline is owned by the Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District.

Project activities include: 1) Installation of 500 LF of shoreline restoration (following NRCS standard Code 580) with vegetation on the landward side using a mix of geolifts and coir fiber logs; 2) Development of final plans; 3) Development of a maintenance and monitoring plan; and 4) outreach to District members on the project to encourage future shoreline restoration projects.

Final project deliverables include final construction plans; a maintenance and monitoring plan; an agreement of project maintenance in perpetuity and a photo essay showing pictures and descriptions of the project before, during and after construction.

Special Conditions: 1) All reports shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) all project deliverables shall be provided to the Department in an electronic format.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Improvement Association: Hlr - Lauderdale Lakes 2023: Partnering with property owners, Lauderdale Lakes Improvement Association is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.

All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.

Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.

Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Millpond Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Millpond Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Moelter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Moelter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
North Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
North Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pell Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pell Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peterkin Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peterkin Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peters Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peters Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake

The Nature Conservancy: Acq-Pickerel Lake Fen-Campbell: Purchase of approximately 39 acres of the Campbell property with 1500 feet of lake frontage. This will help to facilitate land management, maintain high water quality, and provide a link to high quality natural areas.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Town Of East Troy: Acq-Potter'S Lake Wetland Acquisition-Torp Property: The Town of East Troy will acquire approximately 24 acres west of Potter's Lake for lake protection and outdoor recreation purposes. Eligible costs include the acquisition of the parcel, appraisal fee and survey costs.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Powers Lake Protection And Rehab. District: Acq-Wetland Acquisition-Powers Lake: This wetland acquisition project includes the following: 1)Acquire through fee simple purchase wetlands reparian to the unnamed stream discharging into Powers Lake; 2)Promote the essential sturcture and function of these wetland areas to ensure positive water quality benefit to the downstream Powers Lake; 3)Facilitate the maintenance of wetland and wildlife habitat within the designated primary environmental corridor tributary to Powers Lake; 4)Encourage public knowledge and understanding of wetland ecosystems through programming in consultation with relevant institutions and agencies.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Rice Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Rice Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Swan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Swan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Swift Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Swift Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Tombeau Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Tombeau Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Tripp Lake (Trapp)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Tripp Lake (Trapp)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Trout Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Trout Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Turtle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Turtle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Town Of Delavan: Lmi - Delavan Town Park Bmp Project: The Town of Delavan is sponsoring a project to install Best Management Practices along an unnamed tributary to Delavan Lake that terminates in the Town Park.

Project final deliverables include: a copy of the final plans and specifications and a photo essay showing before and after pictures of each BMP element.
Specific project activities include: 1) development of design and final plans for the project; 2) installation of approximately 10 BMP elements along the unnamed tributary to Delavan Lake.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) Volunteer lists, equipment use lists and signatures shall be maintained for reporting in kind volunteer labor and equipment.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

The Grantee should provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Whitewater Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Walworth County Shoreland Protection Initiative: Walworth County will implement the Shoreland Protection Initiative project that includes:
1. A baseline lakeshore inventory; 2. ten lakshore demonstration sites; 3. the preparation of lake lawn and yard nutrient management plans; 4. fact sheets on lakeshore stabilization, shoreland buffers, shoreland regulations and lawn care; 5. an annual lakeshore inventory and distribution of shoreland regulation materials; 6. formation of a Walworth Co. Lakes Association and meetings with and newsletter pertaining to Walworth Co. lakes; 7. Workshops, information packets and news articles pertaining to the Fox river Basin Partnership Team Lakes Initiative; and 8. the formation of the Walworth County Land Conservancy.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Whitewater Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Res-Shoreline Habitat Restoration-Walworth Co.: Walworth County will continue the Walworth County Lakes Specialist position for one year. The Lakes Specialist will provide educational information to lake residents regarding shoreline stabilization and shoreline restoration. The Lakes Specialist will also design shoreline restoration projects for interested landowners, provide technical assistance to contractors and hold workshops on shoreland restoration. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following: 1) copies of the shoreland restoration designs; 2) copies of the fliers for each restoration workshop and 3) details regarding the accomplishments of the Lakes Specialist over the year of the grant. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Army Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Army Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Benedict Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Benedict Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Booth Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Booth Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cedar Grove Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cedar Grove Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Ceylon Lagoon

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Ceylon Lagoon

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Como Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Comus Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Comus Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Congdon Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Congdon Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cravath Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cravath Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Delavan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Eagle Spring Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Eagle Spring Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
East Troy Pond (Trent)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
East Troy Pond (Trent)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
East Troy Pond (Trent)

Village Of East Troy: Planning Program For East Troy Pond: The Village of East Troy will study the East Troy impoundment. A report will be produced containing the following elements: 1) bathymetric survey map; 2) results of the sediment depth testing and a sediment depth map; 3) results of two sediment core samples tested for all the standard parameters listed in NR 347; 4) estimation of sediment/contaminant loading with the use of WILMS modeling; 5) results of the wetland delineation; 6) a survey map of the wetland boundaries; 7) evaluation of public access and 8) minutes from two public informational meetings. The report will be the project deliverable.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhorn Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhorn Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Geneva Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Goose Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Goose Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake


Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Green Lake Management Planning: Conduct lake water quality monitoring. Prepare water and phosphorous budgets for the lake. Evaluate the trophic status of the lake. Map the watershed and its land uses. Information will be distributed to the public by newsletter mailings, fact sheetdistributors, public meetings, and local newspaper articles. Project results will be reposited at the Lake District and Town of LaGrange.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Green Lake Surface Runoff Sites Bmp Selection And Design: The Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District proposes to evaluate the alternative Best Management Practices (BMP's) for two surface runoff sites affecting Green Lake and it's watershed. Project activities include 1) evaluate the sites, 2) define, rough cost, and rank alternative BMP's for each site, and 3) design BMP's, including cost estimates, for implementation.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hilburn Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hilburn Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Honey Lake (Vienna)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Honey Lake (Vienna)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
La Grange Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
La Grange Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Beulah

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Beulah

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Ivanhoe

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Ivanhoe

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Lorraine

Town Of Richmond: Lorraine Lake Eurasian Watermilfoil Weevil Study: The Town of Richmond, Walworth County proposes to evaluate the effect of the supplemental enhancement of weevil populations as a selective aquatic plant management technique to control Myriophyllum spicatum. Project activities will result in a field evaluation of experimental weevil stocking, a status report and presentation to the lake group, and a final report including feasibility recommendations. The Department of Natural Resourcese will be provided with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project will be disseminiated to the public by fact sheet distribution, public meeting, and summary report mailing.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Lorraine

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Lorraine

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Wandawega

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Wandawega

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lulu Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lulu Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lyons Millpond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lyons Millpond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Middle Lake


Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Middle Lake Management Planning: Conduct lake water quality monitoring. Prepare water and phosphorus budgets for the lake. Evaluate the trophic status of the lake. Map the watershed and its uses. Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles,fact sheet, and public meetings. Project results will be reposited at the Lake District office and the Town of LaGrange.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Middle Lake Surface Runoff Sites Bmp Selection And Design: The Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District proposes to evaluate the alternative Best Management Practices (BMP's) for rwo surface runoff sites affection Middle Lake and it's watershed. Project activities include 1) evaluate the sites, 2) define, rough cost, and rank alternative BMP's for each site, and 3) design BMP's, including cost estimates, for implementation.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Middle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mill Lake


Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Mill Lake Management Planning: Conduct lake water quality monitoring. Prepare water and phosphorus budgets for the lake. Evaluate the trophic status of the lake. Map the watershed and its land uses. Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, local newspaperarticles, fact sheet, and public meetings. Project results will be reposited at the Lake District office and the Town of LaGrange.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Mill Lake Surface Runoff Sites Bmp Selection & Design: The Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District proposes to evaluate the alternative Best Management Practices (BMP's) for two surface runoff sites affecting Lake Mill and it's watershed. Project activities include 1) evaluate the sites, 2) define, rough cost, and rank alternative BMP's for each site, and 3) design BMP's, including cost estimates,for implementation.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mill Lake

Lauderdale Lakes Management District: Comp - Lauderdale Lakes Watershed Management Plan: The Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District is sponsoring a project compile information from previous watershed plans, update models and develop an updated watershed management plan.

Project final deliverables include: an updated watershed management plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) running the models RSLE and WinSLAMM using the available 1 foot contour data; 2) determining maximum wave height at a minimum of four locations; 3) determination of shoreline encroachment using digital photos; 4) compilation of previous watershed plan data where relevant; 5) development of a list of prioritized watershed projects to be implemented in the watershed with cost estimates for design and implementation; and 6) Completion of 4 elements of the 9 key element plan template.

Special Conditions: 1) All reports shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) all project deliverables shall be provided to the Department in an electronic format; 3) Social survey may be conducted upon approval by the lake coordinator.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Millpond Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Millpond Park Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Moelter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Moelter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
North Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
North Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pell Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pell Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Peterkin Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Peterkin Pond

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Peters Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Peters Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Pleasant Lake Protection & Rehabilitation Di: Apm Plan Update, Two Gauges, Redesign Of Outlet Pipe System: The Pleasant Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District will hire a contractor to install two lake level gauges and study alternatives for replacing the outlet pipe. The final report will contain the following elements: 1) results of a topographic survey for a parcel of land located due east of the Pleasant Lake outlet; 2) results of a wetland delineation if needed for a permit application; 3) a list of alternatives for replacement of the outlet pipe; 4) engineering calculations to size the outlet structure and pipe; 5) bid ready construction plans; 6) Federal, state and county permit applications and 7) map showing the locations of the lake level gauges and surveyed elevations.

The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Pleasant Lake Protection & Rehabilitation Di: Apm Plan Update, Two Gauges, Redesign Of Outlet Pipe System: The Pleasant Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District will hire a contractor to install two lake level gauges and study alternatives for replacing the outlet pipe. The final report will contain the following elements: 1) results of a topographic survey for a parcel of land located due east of the Pleasant Lake outlet; 2) results of a wetland delineation if needed for a permit application; 3) a list of alternatives for replacement of the outlet pipe; 4) engineering calculations to size the outlet structure and pipe; 5) bid ready construction plans; 6) Federal, state and county permit applications and 7) map showing the locations of the lake level gauges and surveyed elevations.

The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Potters Lake P & R District: Potters Lake Water Quality Monitoring: Water quality monitoring during 1993-97. Hold an informational meeting in 1998 after monitoring is completed.Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles, and public meetings.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Potters Lake P & R District: Potters Lake Watershed Study And Management Planning: Definition of the Potters Lake watershed. Identify potential point and nonpoint contaminant sources and quantify the nutrient and contaminant inputs using unit area loads and existing water quality data. Identify the extent of any existing and potentialfuture water quality problems likely to be experienced in the lake. Assessment of the degree and type of land use around Potters Lake and its probable impacts on water quality. Prepare a comprehensive lake management plan. Formulation of appropriatepublic information and education strategies, ordinances, and other possible responses. The grantee will disseminate information to the public by newsletter mailings and public meetings. Project results will be reposited at the Town Hall, SEWRPC, Libraryand DNR.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Potters Lake P & R District: Potters Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan Update: The Potters Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District proposes to review and update the aquatic plant management plan for Potters Lake. Project activities include an aquatic plant survey and an updated management plan including aquatic plant control alternatives and recommendations. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter mailing and public meeting.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Rice Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Rice Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Swan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Swan Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Swift Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Swift Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tombeau Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tombeau Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tripp Lake (Trapp)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tripp Lake (Trapp)

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Trout Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Trout Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Turtle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Turtle Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Whitewater Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lake Community Planning Inventory-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to 99 units of government and lake associations in Walworth County that are directly involved with the 36 lakes in Walworth County. The survey will inquire about institutional tools, laws, ordinances, studies and educational programs that currently exist or are needed. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Whitewater Lake

Walworth Cnty Land Use & Res Mgt: Lakehore Landowners Survey Grant-Walworth Co.: The Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management Department will develop a survey to send out to approximately 6000 lakeshore landowners. The survey will inquire about landowner knowledge, views, perceptions and interest in water quality problems and water quality protection measures. The project deliverables include a copy of the survey and the final report containing the analysis of the completed surveys.

Grantee provide final report to DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Wandawega

Lake Wandawega Improvement Association: Water Quality Monitoring & Plant Mgnt.: The Lake Wandawega Improvement Association will hire a consultant to produce an aquatic plant management and lake protection plan. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the Department. The report/plan will include the following elements:
" Review of existing conditions in the watershed.
" Identify and quantify potential points of nonpoint source pollution, nutrient and contaminant inputs, nutrient and contaminant balances.
" Results of WILMS modeling and UAL model
" Discussion of management alternatives
" Raw data from Aquatic Plant Survey
" Map showing location of aquatic plant beds
" Map showing locations aquatic plant management alternatives
" Results of Recreational Use survey

Exact details for deliverables are described in the project description.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Pleasant Lake

Pleasant Lake Protection & Rehabilitation Di: Pleasant Lake Pr & D Apm Plan: Quantify current water quality and identify aquatic plant issues and concerns. Conduct a plant survey. Develop an aquatic plant management plan.

Project deliverables will include a report that contains the following elements:
" Review existing conditions and identify potential point and nonpoint source of pollution, nutrient and contaminant inputs and balances.
" Compilation of existing water quality data
" Plant distribution map
" Recreational use survey to determine type and extent of lake usage.
" Management alternatives
" Minutes from two public information sessions to inform Pleasant Lake residents of planning program and anticipated outcomes.
" An aquatic plant management plan.

A full description of the project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.
Department staff are improving the quality of grant reports by making sure applicants know very clearly ahead of time that ranking points ARE deliverables. We interpret the ranking questions very literally. In rare cases, an equivalent effort is considered; it should be clarified by the justification/explanation given with the ranking point and equivalent effort must be approved by Department staff. When the grant is complete, the Department will look for every single deliverable, even minor ones, and if they are not adequately addressed, only partial reimbursement (at the department's discretion) will be made to the applicant.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Potter Lake

Potters Lake P & R District: Potters Lake Plant Survey And Plan Reassessment 2016: The Potters Lake P&R District is sponsoring a project to update their aquatic plant management plan.

Project final deliverables include: Entry of all data collected into an Excel spreadsheet and an updated aquatic plant management plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Completion of an approximately 245 point intercept plant survey; 2) enter the results into an Excel spreadsheet; 3) report with summary tables and maps; 4) upload excel spreadsheet into SWIMS.

Special Conditions: The report should contain the following: 1) Summary tables that list the plants found, # sites found, overall % frequency of occurrence, % relative frequency of occurrence, overall average density rating; 2) Discussion explaining what the results mean and an overall assessment of the plant community in the lake; 3) Maps that show distribution for each exotic species and the top 5-7 native plants (using P/I points); 4) A map imposed on an air photo denoting the harvester cutting paths and areas (in color); 5) Discussion harvesting logistics - proposed location of off load site(s) and disposal site, a map of the disposal site, a road map showing the disposal site, how often to cut, how deep to cut, how wide to cut; 6) A discussion of the typical chemical treatment strategy and alternative chemical strategies; and 7) A table summarizing APM options/action items.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Monitoring & Projects

Projects including grants, restoration work and studies shown below have occurred in this watershed. Click the links below to read through the text. While these are not an exhaustive list of activities, they provide insight into the management activities happening in this watershed.

Grants and Management Projects
Sugar and Honey Creeks Watershed
Watershed Recommendations
Best Management Practices, Implement
South Janesville Street Detention Basin
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the municipality will construct/install a wet detention pond to remedy discharges of total suspended solids in urban runoff.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Whitewater Business Park Armory Detention Basin
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the municipality will construct/install a wet detention pond to remedy discharges of total suspended solids in urban runoff.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Whitewater Ann Street Detention Basin
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: street detention basin
In Progress
Lakes Planning Grant
Monitor Water Level
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Chloride Impact Study for the Southeastern Wisconsin Region
In Progress
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Sugar Creek TP
2008 - 2016 TP: May Meet. AU: 10488 (entire stream). Station 10029083. Potential TP delisting in 2020.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Sugar Creek TP
Category 5P. 2018 TP Results: May Meet. Station: 10029083. AU: 10488.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Honey Creek TP
Category 3. 2018 TP Results: May Exceed. Station: 10040134. AU: 6777100.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Baker Creek TP
Category 3. 2018 TP Results: May Exceed. Station: 653248. AU: 5734757.
Nine Key Element Plan
Sugar/Honey Creek PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan
Sugar/Honey Creek PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan - The Sugar/Honey Creek Priority Watershed Project plan assesses the nonpoint sources of pollution in the Sugar/Honey Creek Watershed and guides the implementation of nonpoint source control measures. These control measures are needed to meet specific water resource objectives for the Sugar and Honey Creek and its tributaries. The purpose of this project is to reduce the amount of pollutants originating from nonpoint sources that reach surface water and groundwater within the Sugar/Honey Creek Priority Watershed Project area.
In Progress
Project Deliverable
The final report will contain the following elements: 1) results of a topographic survey for a parcel of land located due east of the Pleasant Lake outlet; 2) results of a wetland delineation if needed for a permit application; 3) a list of alternatives for replacement of the outlet pipe; 4) engineering calculations to size the outlet structure and pipe; 5) bid ready construction plans; 6) Federal, state and county permit applications and 7) map showing the locations of the lake level gauges and surveyed elevations.
Sewer Service Area Planning
SEWRPC WQM Planning, Grants support, TMDL work
sewrpc area WQM planning
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Norway- In-Depth Water Quality Analysis & Stormwater Program
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for part of the developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Targeted 9 Element I&E Program of SE WI Clean Water Network
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: a comprehensive storm water information and education program.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
SEWRPC Burlington Stormwater Study
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. The Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission will conduct a storm water management study for the city of Burlington. The study shall identify the location and destination of current storm water flows, identify city and private property owners that have storm water capacity issues, and provide recommendations for eliminating flooding at the city's major businesses.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Elkhorn Storm Water Management Plan
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance, updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area, new feasibility analysis of alternative funding mechanisms, new storm water management plan for the developed urban area, and updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
TMDL Development
Sugar Honey Creeks TMDL
Approved March 13, 2002. These sediment TMDLs are for impaired streams in the Sugar Creek and Honey Creek Watershed, a 167 square mile area located in Walworth and Racine Counties in southeast Wisconsin, within the Fox River Basin. The following six streams were listed on the 1998 303(d) list as a medium priority and are impaired due to nonpoint sources: Perennial Stream A (SPP1); Perennial Stream B (TM2); Perennial Stream D (B4); Perennial Stream E (B5); North Branch Spring Brook (SB1); and Spring Creek.
In Progress
Water Quality Planning
sewrpc program 2021
In Progress
Sugar and Honey Creeks WatershedWatershed History Note

Doris M. Reinke of the Walworth County Historical Society related this history of Lake Wandawega, located in the Sugar and Honey Creeks watershed, in her Webster Notes column in the Elkhorn Independent. Once upon a time there was a sleepy little lake bordered by farms and wood lots. A few local people went there to fish and it was also a favorite swimming hole of the boys. This was Wandawega, only back then it was called Russell’s Lake. For a long period it was a secluded lake without many people taking much interest in it. It was the larger lakes that were the sites of summer cottages and resorts in the early history of Walworth County. The lakes of Delavan, Geneva, and Lauderdale were popular vacation spots by 1900. Russell Lake was more or less undiscovered. In those days the land along its shores was part of various farms. Only eleven people had the whole shoreline. At that time, 1873, it had a different name - Otter Lake. Its wooded banks abounded with wild-life including deer, mink, otters, beavers, squirrels, rabbits, prairie chickens, and numerous kinds of waterfowl. Pickerel, bass, and perch were abundant in the water and waiting for the occasional angler’s worms. Then came the 1920’s and all this changed. Real estate developers grasped the possibilities of the little lake. The U.S. Bond and Mortgage Co. of Chicago acquired the Will and Ervin Gilbert farms and created a subdivision in 1925. The entire tract was sold originally to a Chicago realtor named Goldberg for $80,000 or over $240 an acre. The tract consisted of 4000 feet of lake frontage, but not all of the more than 4800 lots were on the lake. However, the subdivision was planned in such a way that a common beach would give everyone a right of way to the water. Streets were laid out and the whole area was divided into blocks like a city. It was estimated that 2500 families would soon be enjoying summer homes there. At this time a new name was found for Russell’s Lake. It took a while to decide on Wandawega. It was variously called Winegaga, Winawago, Wanawega (which was close), and finally Wandawega. Wandawega was an Indian word which mean “beautiful girl with golden hair hanging down her back.” No one seems to know why this was considered a good name for a lake. Wandawega, formerly Otter Lake and Russell’s Lake, took its place with other vacation places of Walworth County.

Date  2010