TOWN OF GENEVA: Lake Como Sanitary Survey


A consultant hired by the Town of Geneva will conduct a sanitary survey (for septic systems) on the southwestern shoreline of Lake Como in partnership with the Town of Geneva Lake Committee. The consultant conducting the survey will be a CST (Certified Soil Tester). The project deliverable for this grant will be submittal of two paper copies and one electronic copy (on a CD rom) of the final report to the WDNR. The final report will contain the following elements: 1) property inventory; 2) residence inventory, wastewater system inventory; 3) system inspection (tanks, vents, ponding, evidence of failure, distances to wells, etc.); 4) hand-auger borings to describe soil, depth to groundwater and evidence of seasonally high groundwater; and 5) natural resources table (topography, soil types, bedrock, groundwater depth and flow direction).

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
Lakes Planning Report. This report presents results of the sanitary survey of Lake Como’s South Shore Drive neighborhood in the civil town of Geneva in Walworth County, Wisconsin (Figure 1). The survey was conducted for Town of Geneva in the interest of protecting water quality and property values.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
A consultant hired by the Town of Geneva will conduct a sanitary survey (for septic systems) on the southwestern shoreline of Lake Como in partnership with the Town of Geneva Lake Committee. The consultant conducting the survey will be a CST (Certified Soil Tester). The project deliverable for this grant will be submittal of two paper copies and one electronic copy (on a CD rom) of the final report to the WDNR. The final report will contain the following elements: 1) property inventory; 2) residence inventory, wastewater system inventory; 3) system inspection (tanks, vents, ponding, evidence of failure, distances to wells, etc.); 4) hand-auger borings to describe soil, depth to groundwater and evidence of seasonally high groundwater; and 5) natural resources table (topography, soil types, bedrock, groundwater depth and flow direction).
Lakes Planning Grant
Wastewater Monitoring or Management
septic system survey/inspections
Permit Compliance Inventory
Project Deliverable
Final Report