TWIN LAKES P & R DISTRICT: APM Plan-WQ Assessment-Lake Mary & Lake Elizabeth


The Twin Lakes P & R District will hire a consultant to conduct an aquatic plant survey using the modified Jesson and Lound method. The survey will be conducted on both Elizabeth and Mary Lakes. The data will be mapped and an aquatic plant management plan will be produced as part of the lake management plan update. The project deliverable will be a completed aquatic plant management plan as well as copies of the results from the plant survey (including copies of the actual data sheets). Provide final report to the DNR Lake Coordinator. DNR to receive both paper copy and electronic .pdf copy of final report prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

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The Twin Lakes P & R District will hire a consultant to conduct an aquatic plant survey using the modified Jesson and Lound method. The survey will be conducted on both Elizabeth and Mary Lakes. The data will be mapped and an aquatic plant management plan will be produced as part of the lake management plan update.
Aquatic Plant Management Plan