Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Lake Puckaway Management Plan written by the Lake Puckaway Protection & Rehabilitation District, written in 2004.
Grant Awarded
The Lake Puckaway Protection and Rehab District proposes to develop a lake management plan. The goal of this project (phase 2) is to develop a final lake plan. The primary deliverable product is a complete final version, as adopted by the Lake Puckaway Protection and Rehabilitation District and, it's partners. A public involvement process will be implemented in this phase. The final plan will include: a vision statement, a goal statement, an analysis of issues, goals and objectives, improvement strategy, continued public involvement plan, and guidance for increasing the capacity of the lake district Board. This phase will be conducted within a partnership of the lake community, the Puckaway Management District, WI DNR, UW-Extension and Counties.
Lake Management Plan Development