Lakes Grant
Lake Protection Grant
Shoreline Restoration Report
Grant Awarded
The Manitowoc County Lakes Association proposes to conduct a demonstration project to restore shoreline areas that have been substantially altered and create a more natural conditions. The project will consist of site selection priority setting, restoration design, site maintenance and monitoring, product a guide for landowners "Lake Shoreland Regulations and Buffer Restoration" and generate a final report consisting of the following: Report on Completion of County Publication and Site Restorations, Reports Following the First and Second Growning Seasons. Recommendations will be provided.
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
The Manitowoc County Lakes Association proposes to conduct a demonstration project to restore shoreline areas that have been substantially altered and create a more natural conditions. The project will consist of site selection priority setting, restoration design, site maintenance and monitoring, product a guide for landowners "Lake Shoreland Regulations and Buffer Restoration" and generate a final report.