PORTAGE COUNTY: LCO-Portage Co Lake Classification - Phase 3


Portage County proposes to proceed with the 3rd of four phases in its Lakes Classification effort, the first two phases have been cost-shared through LPT-199-03 and LPT-202-03. Phase 3 major activities to include a water quality assessment and an algae survey. Results of these efforts will be incorporated into a comprehensive County Lakes Study and distilled into summaries that will be used to educate citizens, town plan commissions, the Portage County Comprehensive Planning Committee, lake groups and other waterfront property owners. DNR will receive both paper and electronic copies of the final report on this project.

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Portage County proposes to proceed with the 3rd of four phases in its Lakes Classification effort, the first two phases have been cost-shared through LPT-199-03 and LPT-202-03. Phase 3 major activities to include a water quality assessment and an algae survey. Results of these efforts will be incorporated into a comprehensive County Lakes Study and distilled into summaries that will be used to educate citizens, town plan commissions, the Portage County Comprehensive Planning Committee, lake groups and other waterfront property owners.
Lake Classification
Lake Classification
Portage County proposes to proceed with the 3rd of four phases in its Lakes Classification effort, the first two phases have been cost-shared through LPT-199-03 and LPT-202-03. Phase 3 major activities to include a water quality assessment and an algae survey. Results of these efforts will be incorporated into a comprehensive County Lakes Study and distilled into summaries that will be used to educate citizens, town plan commissions, the Portage County Comprehensive Planning Committee, lake groups and other waterfront property owners.