Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Biron Flowage
Portage County Lcd: Love Creek: The Portage County Land and Water Conservation Department is sponsoring a project to conduct a point intercept survey of the aquatic plant community to help determine the best course of action for management of EWM.
Activities: 1) Point intercept surveys shall follow Recommended Baseline Monitoring of Aquatic Plants in Wisconsin: Sampling Design, Field and Laboratory Procedures, Data Entry and Analysis, and Applications, publication number PUB-SS-1068. Submit electronic point intercept data to this email address: DNRBaselineAquaticPlants@wisconsin.govConduct .
2) Enter all data in the PI spreadsheet provided by the Department.
3) Map locations of AIS and determine contour by depth measurements derived from the survey.
4) Show bathymetry on the AIS location map.
Deliverables: 1) Completed PI survey with data entered on DNR spreadsheet.
2) Maps, including but not limited to, AIS and bathymetry.
3) Share report with Love Creek residents and DNR.
1) All data gathered from this project is public domain.
2) All deliverables must be completed before any APM management.
This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.
If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Buena Vista Creek
Golden Sands Rc&D: Regional Ais Specialist: Golden Sands RC&D Council, Inc. proposes to fund both an internal position and county staff time directed toward coordination of AIS control education, training, mapping, planning, and management practice implementation in Wood, Portage and Waushara Counties. Project elements to include training and education provided by volunteers at scheduled events, using materials provided by project staff.
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Buena Vista Creek
Nepco Lake District: Nepco Lake District Education For Parcel Owners On Ais And Its Mitigation: The Nepco Lake District is sponsoring a project to by fostering awareness and promoting best practices to minimize the introduction and spread of AIS.
Activities: This project aims to educate lake users about effective AIS management and control methods as well as best management practices for shoreline rehabilitation.
Consult with area specialists in the WDNR (Scott Provost, Tyler Mesalk), Wood County Land and Water Conservation (Kendra Wilhelm, Chad Schooley), Citizen Lake Monitoring Network (Erin McFarland, Paul Skawinski) and UWSP Extension Lakes (Eric Olson) to determine most relevant AIS prevention topics and their sequencing over three years.
Deliverables: 1) Three educational sessions per year for three years (2025, 2026, 2027) to address relevant AIS prevention topics, 2) Have two members attend Wisconsin Lake River Convention, 3) Develop Welcome to the Lake Folder that contains important AIS information to new property owners, 4) posting signage to direct boaters to wash station(s).
1) All outreach and education materials shall use DNR messaging; DNR Biologist review and approval is required before dissemination.
This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Nepco Lake
Golden Sands Rc&D: Regional Ais Specialist: Golden Sands RC&D Council, Inc. proposes to fund both an internal position and county staff time directed toward coordination of AIS control education, training, mapping, planning, and management practice implementation in Wood, Portage and Waushara Counties. Project elements to include training and education provided by volunteers at scheduled events, using materials provided by project staff.
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Nepco Lake
Nepco Lake District: Nepco Lake District Education For Parcel Owners On Ais And Its Mitigation: The Nepco Lake District is sponsoring a project to by fostering awareness and promoting best practices to minimize the introduction and spread of AIS.
Activities: This project aims to educate lake users about effective AIS management and control methods as well as best management practices for shoreline rehabilitation.
Consult with area specialists in the WDNR (Scott Provost, Tyler Mesalk), Wood County Land and Water Conservation (Kendra Wilhelm, Chad Schooley), Citizen Lake Monitoring Network (Erin McFarland, Paul Skawinski) and UWSP Extension Lakes (Eric Olson) to determine most relevant AIS prevention topics and their sequencing over three years.
Deliverables: 1) Three educational sessions per year for three years (2025, 2026, 2027) to address relevant AIS prevention topics, 2) Have two members attend Wisconsin Lake River Convention, 3) Develop Welcome to the Lake Folder that contains important AIS information to new property owners, 4) posting signage to direct boaters to wash station(s).
1) All outreach and education materials shall use DNR messaging; DNR Biologist review and approval is required before dissemination.
This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River
Portage County Lcd: Love Creek: The Portage County Land and Water Conservation Department is sponsoring a project to conduct a point intercept survey of the aquatic plant community to help determine the best course of action for management of EWM.
Activities: 1) Point intercept surveys shall follow Recommended Baseline Monitoring of Aquatic Plants in Wisconsin: Sampling Design, Field and Laboratory Procedures, Data Entry and Analysis, and Applications, publication number PUB-SS-1068. Submit electronic point intercept data to this email address: DNRBaselineAquaticPlants@wisconsin.govConduct .
2) Enter all data in the PI spreadsheet provided by the Department.
3) Map locations of AIS and determine contour by depth measurements derived from the survey.
4) Show bathymetry on the AIS location map.
Deliverables: 1) Completed PI survey with data entered on DNR spreadsheet.
2) Maps, including but not limited to, AIS and bathymetry.
3) Share report with Love Creek residents and DNR.
1) All data gathered from this project is public domain.
2) All deliverables must be completed before any APM management.
This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.
If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.
Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Buena Vista Creek
Nepco Lake District: Nepco Lake District 2025 Cbcw: Nepco Lake District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2025 at 1 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on NEPCO LAKE (NEPCO LAKE PARK).
Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Nepco Lake
Nepco Lake District: Nepco Lake District 2025 Cbcw: Nepco Lake District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2025 at 1 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on NEPCO LAKE (NEPCO LAKE PARK).
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Buena Vista Creek
Wood County: Lco-Shoreland Ordinance Rev.: Wood County proposes to amend or create a shoreland zoning ordinance that complies with the requirements of NR 115, Wisconsin Administrative Code (as revised effective February 1, 2010) and retain existing regulations that exceed the water resource protections of NR 115 or are specific or unique to local needs.
Project deliverables include: 1. Copies of any fact sheets or handouts created for public hearings. 2. A summary of the comments received at public hearings. 3. A certified copy of the County Board-approved updated shoreland ordinance or ordinance language (if integrated into other codes). 4. Any GIS maps of the shoreland zone or shoreland condition surveys related to the project.
Specific conditions for this Project: The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports or surveys generated as a result of this project.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Jordan Pond
Portage County Lcd: Lco-Portage Lakes Class 3: Portage County seeks to implement Phase 3 of its lake management planning efforts for 17 lakes in Portage County to help facilitate county-wide lake protection planning. Major project elements to include: 1) individual lake resident/user surveys and plan development, 2) web-based reporting system, 3) build-out assessment and predictive modeling, 4) development of guide for local boards and commissions, 5) final project report.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Nepco Lake
Wood County: Lco-Shoreland Ordinance Rev.: Wood County proposes to amend or create a shoreland zoning ordinance that complies with the requirements of NR 115, Wisconsin Administrative Code (as revised effective February 1, 2010) and retain existing regulations that exceed the water resource protections of NR 115 or are specific or unique to local needs.
Project deliverables include: 1. Copies of any fact sheets or handouts created for public hearings. 2. A summary of the comments received at public hearings. 3. A certified copy of the County Board-approved updated shoreland ordinance or ordinance language (if integrated into other codes). 4. Any GIS maps of the shoreland zone or shoreland condition surveys related to the project.
Specific conditions for this Project: The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports or surveys generated as a result of this project.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Onland Lake
Portage County Lcd: Lco-Portage Lakes Class 1: The Portage Co. Land Conservation Dept. proposes to conduct a series of studies to help shape the management of 28 Portage County lakes, and to help local planners in the development of land use regulations in the vicinity of these lakes. Major project elements to include: 1) Citizen surveys, 2) Planning meetings, 3) I&E, including web-based reports and access to data, 4) Development of a menu of management options, 5) Baseline Land-use Inventory, 6) Calculation of build-out impacts based on existing regulatory framework, 7) Development of guide for local planners.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake
Portage County Lcd: Lco-Portage Lakes Class 2: The Portage Co. Land Conservation Dept. proposes to conduct a series of studies to help shape the management of 28 Portage County lakes, and to help local planners in the development of land use regulations in the vicinity of these lakes. Major project elements to include: 1) Citizen surveys, 2) Planning meetings, 3) I&E, including web-based reports and access to data, 4) Development of a menu of management options, 5) Baseline Land-use Inventory, 6) Calculation of build-out impacts based on existing regulatory framework, 7) Development of guide for local planners.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake
Portage County Lcd: Res_Portage County Restore: Portage County proposes to offer technical assistance and other coordination and outreach services to citizens involved in the development of lake management plans and the implementation of shoreland restorartion practices on their riparian properties. Major project elements to include outreach and coordination.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Plover River
Portage County Lcd: Lco-Portage Lakes Class 3: Portage County seeks to implement Phase 3 of its lake management planning efforts for 17 lakes in Portage County to help facilitate county-wide lake protection planning. Major project elements to include: 1) individual lake resident/user surveys and plan development, 2) web-based reporting system, 3) build-out assessment and predictive modeling, 4) development of guide for local boards and commissions, 5) final project report.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River
Portage County Lcd: Lmi-Portage Lake Nutrients: The Portage Co. Land Conservation Dept. proposes to continue its funding of a nutrient management educator position to work with agricultural producers to reduce phosphorus inputs into the Upper Wisconsin River watershed and associated flowages.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River Flowage Number 2 49
Portage County Lcd: Lmi-Portage Lake Nutrients: The Portage Co. Land Conservation Dept. proposes to continue its funding of a nutrient management educator position to work with agricultural producers to reduce phosphorus inputs into the Upper Wisconsin River watershed and associated flowages.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Castle Rock Ditch
Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.
Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.
Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cruson Slough
Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.
Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.
Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Du Bay
Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.
Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.
Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Pine Creek
Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.
Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.
Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.
Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.
Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wazeecha Lake
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River
Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.
Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.
Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Wisconsin Rapids Flowage
City Of Wisconsin Rapids: Stormwater Plan & Funding: To develop municipal runoff ordinances in compliance with Chapter NR151, map the area's drainage systems, develop a stormwater management plan, provide for public involvement & education, and examine options for dedicated revenue sources.
Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River
City Of Wisconsin Rapids: Stormwater Plan & Funding: To develop municipal runoff ordinances in compliance with Chapter NR151, map the area's drainage systems, develop a stormwater management plan, provide for public involvement & education, and examine options for dedicated revenue sources.