Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Lakes Planning Report. Curlyleaf Pondweed and Eurasian Watermilfoil Growth Potential Based on Lake Soil Fertility for BIg Round Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin [Lake Sediment Survey Conducted October 14, 2004].
Lakes Planning Report
Shoreland photos not included because they could not be scanned visibly. They are in the report in Central Office.
Grant Awarded
The Big Round Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District will conduct a comprehensive lake management planning project involving a study and evaluation of Big Round Lake in Polk County. Project activities include; conducting an in-lake water quality monitoring survey, conducting an aquatic plant survey, conducting a watershed runoff survey, conducting a shoreline septic leachate survey, conducting a shoreland habitat survey, conducting a wildlife observations survey, conducting a watershed analysis and developing a nutrient budget, developing a model for calculating lake response to phosphorus loadings, conducting an information and education program, and the development of a comprehensive lake management plan.
Specific deliverables for this grant project include:
? A final technical comprehensive lake management plan and report that covers all project activities and recommendations.
? A final non-technical summary report in a newsletter form that can be widely distributed to lake users and lake residents.
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Information and Education
Comprehensive Planning Studies
Lake Management Plan Development