JACKSON COUNTY: BBT-Organizational Develop - Phase 1


Jackson County, in coordination with the DNR's Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau (BBT) Basin Partnership Team, proposes to sponsor the start-up of an organization focused on preservation, conservation and education regarding the Black River basin. Key project elements to include: 1) hiring of an executive director, 2) generation of public interest through river clean-up event, 3) workshops, 4) development, use and distribution of newsletters, a brochure, powerpoint presentation and other publicity materials, 5) development and distribution of a final report. Information produced and publicity regarding events will be shared with the UW-Extension Water Action Volunteer network and with the public through workshops, articles and mailings. The DNR will receive both paper and electronic copies of the final report.

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River Grant
River Planning Grant
Activities & Recommendations
Rivers Planning Grant
Jackson County, in coordination with the DNR's Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau (BBT) Basin Partnership Team, proposes to sponsor the start-up of an organization focused on preservation, conservation and education regarding the Black River basin. Key project elements to include: 1) hiring of an executive director, 2) generation of public interest through river clean-up event, 3) workshops, 4) development, use and distribution of newsletters, a brochure, powerpoint presentation and other publicity materials, 5) development and distribution of a final report. Information produced and publicity regarding events will be shared with the UW-Extension Water Action Volunteer network and with the public through workshops, articles and mailings.
Information and Education
Jackson County, in coordination with the DNR's Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau (BBT) Basin Partnership Team, proposes to sponsor the start-up of an organization focused on preservation, conservation and education regarding the Black River basin. Key project elements to include: 1) hiring of an executive director, 2) generation of public interest through river clean-up event, 3) workshops, 4) development, use and distribution of newsletters, a brochure, powerpoint presentation and other publicity materials, 5) development and distribution of a final report. Information produced and publicity regarding events will be shared with the UW-Extension Water Action Volunteer network and with the public through workshops, articles and mailings.
Grant Awarded
Jackson County, in coordination with the DNR's Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau (BBT) Basin Partnership Team, proposes to sponsor the start-up of an organization focused on preservation, conservation and education regarding the Black River basin. Key project elements to include: 1) hiring of an executive director, 2) generation of public interest through river clean-up event, 3) workshops, 4) development, use and distribution of newsletters, a brochure, powerpoint presentation and other publicity materials, 5) development and distribution of a final report. Information produced and publicity regarding events will be shared with the UW-Extension Water Action Volunteer network and with the public through workshops, articles and mailings.
Project Deliverable
Jackson County, in coordination with the DNR's Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau (BBT) Basin Partnership Team, proposes to sponsor the start-up of an organization focused on preservation, conservation and education regarding the Black River basin. Key project elements to include: 1) hiring of an executive director, 2) generation of public interest through river clean-up event, 3) workshops, 4) development, use and distribution of newsletters, a brochure, powerpoint presentation and other publicity materials, 5) development and distribution of a final report. Information produced and publicity regarding events will be shared with the UW-Extension Water Action Volunteer network and with the public through workshops, articles and mailings.
Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature
Jackson County, in coordination with the DNR's Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau (BBT) Basin Partnership Team, proposes to sponsor the start-up of an organization focused on preservation, conservation and education regarding the Black River basin. Key project elements to include: 1) hiring of an executive director, 2) generation of public interest through river clean-up event, 3) workshops, 4) development, use and distribution of newsletters, a brochure, powerpoint presentation and other publicity materials, 5) development and distribution of a final report. Information produced and publicity regarding events will be shared with the UW-Extension Water Action Volunteer network and with the public through workshops, articles and mailings.
Hold Workshops
Jackson County, in coordination with the DNR's Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau (BBT) Basin Partnership Team, proposes to sponsor the start-up of an organization focused on preservation, conservation and education regarding the Black River basin. Key project elements to include: 1) hiring of an executive director, 2) generation of public interest through river clean-up event, 3) workshops, 4) development, use and distribution of newsletters, a brochure, powerpoint presentation and other publicity materials, 5) development and distribution of a final report. Information produced and publicity regarding events will be shared with the UW-Extension Water Action Volunteer network and with the public through workshops, articles and mailings.
Hire Local Aquatic Invasives Coordinator
Jackson County, in coordination with the DNR's Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau (BBT) Basin Partnership Team, proposes to sponsor the start-up of an organization focused on preservation, conservation and education regarding the Black River basin. Key project elements to include: 1) hiring of an executive director, 2) generation of public interest through river clean-up event, 3) workshops, 4) development, use and distribution of newsletters, a brochure, powerpoint presentation and other publicity materials, 5) development and distribution of a final report. Information produced and publicity regarding events will be shared with the UW-Extension Water Action Volunteer network and with the public through workshops, articles and mailings.
Partnership Project
Jackson County, in coordination with the DNR's Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau (BBT) Basin Partnership Team, proposes to sponsor the start-up of an organization focused on preservation, conservation and education regarding the Black River basin. Key project elements to include: 1) hiring of an executive director, 2) generation of public interest through river clean-up event, 3) workshops, 4) development, use and distribution of newsletters, a brochure, powerpoint presentation and other publicity materials, 5) development and distribution of a final report. Information produced and publicity regarding events will be shared with the UW-Extension Water Action Volunteer network and with the public through workshops, articles and mailings.