CITY OF STOUGHTON: Stoughton River Front Planning


Stoughton is proposing to improve its river environment, promote recreational and business activities on and along the river, and improve the communities' understanding of the economic value of the Yahara River. The primary goals and objectives of the river planning project will be to define demographic characteristics of the public users of the City's waterfront areas and ecologically sensitive improvements to these areas that promote use and also provide economic advantages for the City and its waterfront businesses. Another goal is to create a coordinated approach to protecting the river using existing river organizations. A full description of the project goal and objectives are in the grant application, which is a part of the the application.

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River Grant
River Planning Grant
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Stoughton is proposing to improve its river environment, promote recreational and business activities on and along the river, and improve the communities' understanding of the economic value of the Yahara River. The primary goals and objectives of the river planning project will be to define demographic characteristics of the public users of the City's waterfront areas and ecologically sensitive improvements to these areas that promote use and also provide economic advantages for the City and its waterfront businesses. Another goal is to create a coordinated approach to protecting the river using existing river organizations.
Rivers Planning Grant
Stoughton is proposing to improve its river environment, promote recreational and business activities on and along the river, and improve the communities' understanding of the economic value of the Yahara River. The primary goals and objectives of the river planning project will be to define demographic characteristics of the public users of the City's waterfront areas and ecologically sensitive improvements to these areas that promote use and also provide economic advantages for the City and its waterfront businesses. Another goal is to create a coordinated approach to protecting the river using existing river organizations.
Information and Education
Stoughton is proposing to improve its river environment, promote recreational and business activities on and along the river, and improve the communities' understanding of the economic value of the Yahara River. The primary goals and objectives of the river planning project will be to define demographic characteristics of the public users of the City's waterfront areas and ecologically sensitive improvements to these areas that promote use and also provide economic advantages for the City and its waterfront businesses. Another goal is to create a coordinated approach to protecting the river using existing river organizations.
Rivers Management Grant
Stoughton is proposing to improve its river environment, promote recreational and business activities on and along the river, and improve the communities' understanding of the economic value of the Yahara River. The primary goals and objectives of the river planning project will be to define demographic characteristics of the public users of the City's waterfront areas and ecologically sensitive improvements to these areas that promote use and also provide economic advantages for the City and its waterfront businesses. Another goal is to create a coordinated approach to protecting the river using existing river organizations.