MUSKELLUNGE LAKE ASSOCIATION, INC.: Muskellunge Lake Comprehensive Plan


The Muskellunge Lake Association will sponsor the project which will complete a comprehensive plan. The plan will include a survey of land owners, an aquatic plant management plan, an assessment of exotic species, summary of water quality conditions, a shoreland survey, a wildlife inventory by volunteers, a summary of fish management, and an education and information component. All documents produced will be provided to the Department in both electronic and hard copy format. In addition, all new data collected must be submitted in both raw and summarized formats. Any water quality data collected must be completed at the State Lab of Hygiene and any self-help data must be entered into the self-help database.

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The Muskellunge Lake Association will sponsor the project which will complete a comprehensive plan. The plan will include a survey of land owners, an aquatic plant management plan, an assessment of exotic species, summary of water quality conditions, a shoreland survey, a wildlife inventory by volunteers, a summary of fish management, and an education and information component. All documents produced will be provided to the Department in both electronic and hard copy format. In addition, all new data collected must be submitted in both raw and summarized formats. Any water quality data collected must be completed at the State Lab of Hygiene and any self-help data must be entered into the self-help database.
Lake Management Plan Development
Comprehensive Planning Studies