Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Clearly, results from this study indicate the progressive eutrophication of both Lake Amnicon and Lake Dowling. Dramatic improvements in the manner in which lakeshore/watershed residences relate to the lakes needs to be addressed. The lack of sound shoreline best management practices [i.e. BMP's) has undoubtedly accelerated t'he process of eutrophication. As a result of water quality degradation. there was the early presence and persistence of blue-green algal blooms in both Lake Amnicon and Dowling, detracting from the recreational use of both lakes.
Grant Awarded
1) Conduct water quality sampling. 2) Conduct aquatic plant survey of lake. 3) Conduct an aerial photography survey of the lake. 4) Conduct a periphyton survey in lake. 5) Conduct a shoreline conductivity profile survey. 6) Prepare a finalreport that includes tasks 1 - 5 listed above. 7) DNR shall receive copies of the final report.
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