TOWN OF TAINTER: Twn. of Tainter Land Use Plan #2, Dunn Co.


Town of Tainter, Dunn County, proposes to develop a comprehensive land use plan to address land use and water quality issues. Project activities would include 1) Drafting of comprehensive land use plan designating appropriate land uses to protect water quality of Tainter Lake and associated water bodies. Information regarding the plan and its development will be shared with the general public through a series of public meetings, newspaper articles and distribution of a comprehensive management plan. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Town of Tainter, Dunn County, proposes to develop a comprehensive land use plan to address land use and water quality issues. Project activities would include 1) Drafting of comprehensive land use plan designating appropriate land uses to protect water quality of Tainter Lake and associated water bodies. Information regarding the plan and its development will be shared with the general public through a series of public meetings, newspaper articles and distribution of a comprehensive management plan.
Lakes Planning Grant
Project Deliverable
Project activities would include 1) Drafting of comprehensive land use plan designating appropriate land uses to protect water quality of Tainter Lake and associated water bodies.
Informational Meetings
Issue News/Media Release