
The Tainter/Menomin Lake Improvement Association, Inc. proposes to select a residence on Lake Tainter or Lake Menomin on which to model Best Management Practices and designs of shoreland landscaping. Project activities include: 1) Photos taken of the site, 2) Consultant and landowner meet to outline the design and process for implementation, 3) Continue with PR via local news, 4) Plantings completed under direction of consultant, 5) Guests invited to observe demonstration site by boat, and 6) Continued oversight of vegetative process by landowner. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, presentations, and tours of the demonstration site.

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Lakes Grant
Small Scale Lake Planning
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The Tainter/Menomin Lake Improvement Association, Inc. proposes to select a residence on Lake Tainter or Lake Menomin on which to model Best Management Practices and designs of shoreland landscaping. Project activities include: 1) Photos taken of the site, 2) Consultant and landowner meet to outline the design and process for implementation, 3) Continue with PR via local news, 4) Plantings completed under direction of consultant, 5) Guests invited to observe demonstration site by boat, and 6) Continued oversight of vegetative process by landowner.
Grant Awarded
The Tainter/Menomin Lake Improvement Association, Inc. proposes to select a residence on Lake Tainter or Lake Menomin on which to model Best Management Practices and designs of shoreland landscaping. Project activities include: 1) Photos taken of the site, 2) Consultant and landowner meet to outline the design and process for implementation, 3) Continue with PR via local news, 4) Plantings completed under direction of consultant, 5) Guests invited to observe demonstration site by boat, and 6) Continued oversight of vegetative process by landowner.
Project Deliverable
Final Report and Photos of site
Educate and engage residents
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
Best Management Practices, Implement