LOWER TURTLE LAKE MGT DISTRICT: Lower Turtle Lake Comprehensive Managment Plan


The Lower Turtle Lake Management District will conduct studies and develop a management plan for Lower Turtle Lake in Barron County. Specifically, the Association, its consultants and volunteers will: 1) Conduct one year of in-lake TSI water quality monitoring. 2) Collect runoff samples from two tributary locations. 3) Conduct a photographic inventory of shoreland habitat and a wildlife survey. 4) Map and characterize watershed landuse including identifying areas of high erosion and calculate a lake phosphorus budget. 5) Complete an aquatic plant survey and management plan. 6) Produce an information and education program. 7) Conduct a sociological study of lakeshore residents. Specific deliverables for this grant project include: A) A technical report interpreting and summarizing all project results. B) A non-technical project summary in newsletter format. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy (PDF format) of the final report and summary. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

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Grant Awarded
The Lower Turtle Lake Management District will conduct studies and develop a management plan for Lower Turtle Lake in Barron County. Specifically, the Association, its consultants and volunteers will: 1) Conduct one year of in-lake TSI water quality monitoring. 2) Collect runoff samples from two tributary locations. 3) Conduct a photographic inventory of shoreland habitat and a wildlife survey. 4) Map and characterize watershed landuse including identifying areas of high erosion and calculate a lake phosphorus budget. 5) Complete an aquatic plant survey and management plan. 6) Produce an information and education program. 7) Conduct a sociological study of lakeshore residents.
Comprehensive Planning Studies
Lake Management Plan Development
Social Survey of Residents or Users
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Information and Education