Oneida County Land and Water Conservation Department (LCD) in cooperation with UW-Extension Oneida County and the Northwoods Secondary Charter School will sponsor an AIS Public Awareness Education project in Oneida County.
The project includes the following activities: 1) set up a subcommittee to work on AIS educational activities 2) participate in 2006 July 4th parade (float) and 2006 Oneida County Fair (AIS educational booth) 3) develop AIS materials to distribute to chambers in Oneida County 4) develop an AIS public education display 5) host and coordinate 3 Clean Boats - Clean Waters (CB/CW) workshops
Project deliverables include: a) AIS materials for chambers in Oneida County, b) AIS educational booth at 2006 Oneida County Fair, c) AIS educational float in 2006 July 4th Oneida County parade, d) AIS display, e) Final report on AIS Public Awareness Education project that contains in particular - specifics on make-up of AIS educational sub-committee and summary of educational events attended (i.e. parade, fair, CB/CW, others\00BF)
The WI DNR Lakes Coordinator will be provided a sample of the AIS materials distributed to chambers, pictures of float and AIS display, and an electronic and hard copy of project final report.
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