Water Quality Planning
Priority Watershed Plan
From: https://www.wisconsinrivertrips.com/segments/beaver-dam-river
Many of Wisconsins water quality standards require multiple visits to make an assessment decision. Every year, several stream sites are monitored and the field data collected during each visit are used to flag problem waters. In the next year, follow up monitoring is carried out on the flagged waters where the data suggest there is an impairment, but there are insufficient data to make that determination based on the States minimum data requirements. In 2015, Water Action Volunteers stream monitors who live nearby the recommended follow up sites were asked to assist in the monitoring process by collecting water samples to be analyzed for total phosphorus at the Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene.
The Beaver Dam River Priority Watershed Project plan assesses the nonpoint sources of pollution in the Beaver Dam River Watershed and guides the implementation of nonpoint source control measures.
Nine Key Element Plan
The Beaver Dam River and the majority of other streams in the watershed suppmt a warm water sport fishery. The streams of the watershed are not reaching their highest potential use due to pollution from point and nonpoint sources.
Nine Key Element Plan
Beaver Dam PWS - Nine Key Element Plan - The Beaver Dam River and the majority of other streams in the watershed suppmt a warm water sport fishery. The streams of the watershed are not reaching their highest potential use due to pollution from point and nonpoint sources.