Luxemburg SSA Plan (2007 - 2025)


The village of Luxemburg is located at the junction of State Trunk Highways 54 and 163 in the west central section of Kewaunee County. The village is located fifteen miles east of the city of Green Bay, fourteen miles southwest of the city of Algoma, and twelve miles northwest of the city of Kewaunee. The bay of Green Bay is eight miles southwest of the village and Lake Michigan is twelve miles to the east. The planning area includes the village and all of the town of Luxemburg, approximately 36 square miles.

The delineation of a sewer service area not only identifies those areas eligible to receive sanitary sewer service, but also identifies and protects natural and environmentally sensitive areas from future development and indiscriminate urban growth. Such areas include, but are not limited to, floodways, shorelands, and wetlands. Wastewater treatment facilities could then be designed to provide adequate treatment capacity for the anticipated population growth in the sewer service area, while protecting sensitive natural areas and water quality.

A sewer service area identifies the land area intended for sewer services that will be made available during the 20-year planning period. Delineating a service boundary is critical in designing sewage collection and treatment facilities to serve existing and future residents of the village of Luxemburg in the most cost-effective and environmentally sound manner. The service area in this plan is delineated with the aid of the Wisconsin Department of Administration's 20-year population projection, an acceptable residential population density, and a forecast of non-residential (i.e., commercial, industrial) growth, all of which result in acreage demand and allocation. The service area excludes major areas found to be environmentally or physically unsuitable for sewered development. Land included in the service area is deemed eligible to receive future sewer service; however, the goven1mental entities providing sewer service are not obligated to serve specific areas.


In planning for the village of Luxemburg area, areas with unique natural features and environmental significance were identified by the WDNR, the Wisconsin Coastal Management Department, Kewaunee County and BLRPC staff. Many of these features are found in corridors that are located along rivers, creeks, shorelines and natural drainageways and are essential to the maintenance of an ecological balance and diversity as well as the preservation of the natural beauty of the area. The delineation of sensitive environmental areas plays an important role in the planning process and assists in determining where future urban development should occur by the protection of these resources. The natural features which are found in or near these areas are defined in the report.

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Water Quality Planning
Sewer Service Area Plans
SSA Plan Luxemburg
Reports and Documents
BLRPC Luxemburg SSA Plan Amendments (2021) Admin Decision LUX0421-1&2
Jan 2021 Amendment - Frontier Road
Condos at the Brook
Luxemburg SSA Plan (2007 - 2025)
School Creek (92200)
BLRPC Luxemburg SSA Plan Amendment (2001)
Activities & Recommendations
Sewer Service Area Planning
A sewer service area identifies the land area intended for sewer services that will be made available during the 20-year planning period. The village of Luxemburg is located at the junction of State Trunk Highways 54 and 163 in the west central section of Kewaunee County. The village is located fifteen miles east of the city of Green Bay, fourteen miles southwest of the city of Algoma, and twelve miles northwest of the city of Kewaunee.