LAKE MINNESUING SANITARY DISTRICT: Yellow Flag Iris Mitigation - Lake Minnesuing


The Lake Minnesuing Sanitary District is sponsoring a four-year Yellow Flag Iris response project on Lake Minnesuing to do the following activities: pretreatment monitoring, collect geotagged photos of YFI sites, perform control work to include digging, cutting, and herbicide, and education of property owners. Project deliverables include: 1) Annual summary of effectiveness comparing pre and post-treatment, including initial size of area of YFI controlled and remaining, technique used at each site, estimated density of plants at each site, hours spent performing control work, and photos of sites comparing each year; 2) Electronic copy of monitoring log submitted via email to local WI DNR Lakes Coordinator or data sheets entered into SWIMS database. Any newly identified YFI populations that were not listed in initial project will be reported with size, density, and GPS location via this monitoring log or reported into SWIMS database; 3) Summary of education component listing number of participants and dates of any workshops held, if any; copies of any media releases or outreach to sanitation district or property owners; 4) A final project report summarizing pre and post treatment size and density of areas controlled, management techniques used, outcome/post monitoring of control, qualitative summary of effectiveness of education efforts and participation of private property owners and volunteers in monitoring or control work Special condition: A chemical control permit should be applied for if management includes herbicide techniques. Licensed applicators must be used where required by law. This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Reports and Documents
Yellow Flag Iris (YFI) seemed to first appear in significant volume on Lake Minnesuing in 2014. We now understand that the reality is that it had been on the lake for a long time. In 2014 the stands of YFI seemed to be much more prevalent, perhaps because of weather conditions that promoted a prolific June bloom. The plants were all, or at least early in our process seemed to be, located in the immediate shore area, generally within a few feet of the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) either in the water or shoreward.
Yellow Flag Iris (YFI) seemed to first appear in significant volume on Lake Minnesuing in 2014. We now understand that the reality is that it had been on the lake for a long time. In 2014 the stands of YFI seemed to be much more prevalent, perhaps because of weather conditions that promoted a prolific June bloom. The plants were all, or at least early in our process seemed to be, located in the immediate shore area, generally within a few feet of the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) either in the water or shoreward.
Yellow Flag Iris (YFI) seemed to first appear in significant volume on Lake Minnesuing in 2014. We now understand that the reality is that it had been on the lake for a long time. In 2014 the stands of YFI seemed to be much more prevalent, perhaps because of weather conditions that promoted a prolific June bloom. The plants were all, or at least early in our process seemed to be, located in the immediate shore area, generally within a few feet of the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) either in the water or shoreward.
Treatment map
Treatment sites information
Treatment map
Yellow Flag Iris Herbicide Treatment presentation.
Map of yellow iris and purple loosestrife.
Activities & Recommendations
APM Chemical Permit Request
Chemical Permit Details
APM Chemical Permit Request
Chemical Permit Details
Grant Awarded
Grant AIRR19216 awarded