Garners Creek TWA 2016


Garner's Creek is listed on the State's 303(d) list of impaired waterways. Garner's Creek Storm water Utility (GCSWUD) District was formed in 1998 to reduce flooding potential, improve stream bank erosion, and to enhance water quality along Garners Creek and its tributary streams. GCSWUD is formed on a mutual agreement between the Village of Combined Locks, Town of Buchanan, and the Town of Harrison for the purpose of planning and directing the development, financing, construction, operation, maintenance, regulation, and administration of a joint storm water utility system. In the last 10 year just over $2 million of Urban grants were awarded in this HUC-12.


This project will seek to evaluate contemporary conditions in Garner's Creek and small tributaries in the watershed following the formation of the district and resources that have been placed to work toward it purpose. The evaluation will focus on watershed scale alterations and changes in water quality criteria, the biological community, and habitat. In 2015, the Fox Valley Technical college was awarded a grant to support and implement a citizen volunteer network in the Lower Fox River watershed. The effort focused on monitoring water quality in the 13 major tributaries to the Lower Fox including Garner's Creek. Water Quality samples including Total Phosphorous, Total Suspended Solids, and Dissolved Reactive Phosphorous were collected on Garner's Creek 6 times during the growing season. Flow, temperature and transparency were also collected at each site. A fall macroinvertabrate sample was collected and analyzed by UW-Superior. This same effort will be replicated in 2016.


Fish and quantitative habitat surveys will be completed at 10-13 sites. Macro-invertebrates will be collected from 8 sites. Water Quality samples will be collected at 2 sites. All data will be entered into the appropriate databases.

Related Reports

Run Project Summary Report
View Umbrella-Projects
View Related-Projects

Targeted Watershed Approach
Effectiveness (BMP, Other)
Final Report Needed
Reports and Documents
AIS Phragmites Observed
Emails regarding poison hemlock reported in Outgamie County
Unnamed tributary to Fox #1 photo from Garner's Creek TWA 2016 project photo by Andrew Hudak
In 2016, volunteers were selected to help with a monitoring project in the Garner’s Creek sub-watershed. Top of FormGarner's Creek is listed on the State's 303(d) list of impaired waterways. Volunteers collected total phosphorus samples at two sites in the watershed to provide data for the assessment by the Garner's Creek Storm Water Utility (GCSWUD) District.
In 2016, volunteers were selected to help with a monitoring project in the Garner’s Creek sub-watershed. Top of FormGarner's Creek is listed on the State's 303(d) list of impaired waterways. Volunteers collected total phosphorus samples at two sites in the watershed to provide data for the assessment by the Garner's Creek Storm Water Utility (GCSWUD) District.
Unnamed tributary to Fox River at Prospect Eurasian water-milfoil (5021676) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy Z (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy Z -Curly leaf pondweed (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
start of station
End Of Station
Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy Z end of station (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy Z (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
eroded banks along garners creek
AIS Eurasian water milfoil observed
AIS curly leaf pondweed observed
Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy Z Banks (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek at Park Street (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy Z (2) (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy Z -Eurasian water-milfoil (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy Z -fish long-nosed Gar (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek at Brookhaven (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek at Brookhaven (4) (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
GarnersCreek at Brookhaven (2) (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek at Brookhaven Banks (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
GarnersCreek at Brookhaven (3) (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek-Within-Realign-shed (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek-Within-Realign-meadow (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek-Within-Realign-log (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek-Within-Realign-fish (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek-Within-Realign-bank (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek-Within-Realign (4) (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek-upstream oakridge Dr Realignment (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek downstream -Oakridge-realign (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek-Within-Realign (3) (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek-Within-Realign (2) (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Start of Station
Start of Station
start of station
Garners Creek-Within-Realign (127700) phtot by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek downstream -oakridge-realign (2) (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek downstream-Oakridge Dr-realignment-Phrag (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek downstream-oakridge Dr-realignment-phrag (2) (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Garners Creek Downstream -oakridge Dr-realignement-err (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
ais Eurasian water milfoil observed
start of station
start of Station
start of station
Start of Station
start of Station
start of station
Start of Station
Unnamed tributay to Fox River at sunset park (2) (5021600) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributay to Fox River at sunset park (5021600) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Garners Creek 200meters downstream at County Trunk Hwy CE (9a) (3) (5022162) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at Buchanan (2) (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at Buchanan (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Garners Creek 200meters downstream at County Trunk Hwy CE (9a) (2) (5022162) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Garners Creek 200meters downstream at County Trunk Hwy CE (9a) (5022162) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Garners Creek 330meters downstream at County Trunk Hwy CE (9b) (2) (5022162) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Garners Creek 330meters downstream at County Trunk Hwy CE (9b) (5022162) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Garners Creek 520meters downstream at County Trunk Hwy CE (9c) (2) (5022162) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Garners Creek 520meters downstream at County Trunk Hwy CE (9c) (3) (5022162) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Garners Creek 520meters downstream at County Trunk Hwy CE (9c) (4) (5022162) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Garners Creek 520meters downstream at County Trunk Hwy CE (9c) (5) (5022162) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Garners Creek 520meters downstream at County Trunk Hwy CE (9c) (5022162) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK (2)(darboyClub) (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK (3) (darboyClub) (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK-Noe (3) (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK (darboyClub) (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK-Noe (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK-Noe (2) (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK-Noe bad restoration (2) (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK-Noe bad restoration (3) (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK-Noe bad restoration (4) (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK-Noe bad restoration (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK-Noe lawn scraps (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK-Noe Pink Iris (2) (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners Creek at County Trunk Hwy KK-Noe Pink Iris (5022198) photo by Andrew Hudak
start of station
Start of Station
Start of Station
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream County Trunk Hwy OO (2) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Toad Mating (2) Garners Creek TWA 2016 project (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Toad Mating (3) Garners Creek TWA 2016 project (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Toad Mating Garners Creek TWA 2016 project (127700) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream County Trunk Hwy OO (3) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream County Trunk Hwy OO (4) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream County Trunk Hwy OO (5) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream County Trunk Hwy OO Japanese knotweed (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream County Trunk Hwy OO Japanese knotweed (2) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream County Trunk Hwy OO Poison Hemlock (2) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream County Trunk Hwy OO Poison Hemlock (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream County Trunk Hwy OO (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream pershing rd (concrete) (2) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream pershing rd (concrete) (3) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream pershing rd (concrete) (4) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream pershing rd (concrete) (5) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream pershing rd (concrete) (6) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox downstream pershing rd (concrete) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Fox River Upstream at Prospect #4-Eurasian water-milfoil (5021676) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Fox River upstream Main Street #1 (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox upstream pershing rd (restored) (2) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox upstream pershing rd (restored) (3) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox upstream pershing rd (restored) purple loosestrife (2) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox upstream pershing rd (restored) purple loosestrife (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Fox upstream pershing rd (restored) (128000) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed tributary to Fox River Upstream at Prospect #4 (5021676) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners 30 meters upstream county trunk hwy CE (9D) (5022162) photo by Andrew Hudak
Unnamed Tributary to Garners upstream county trunk hwy CE-vegetated bank (5022162) photo by Andrew Hudak
AIS Japanese knotweed observed
start of station
AIS purple loosestrife observed
Concrete channel Start of station
below concrete channel
Start of station
Activities & Recommendations
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
This project will seek to evaluate contemporary conditions in Garner's Creek and small tributaries in the watershed following the formation of the district and resources that have been placed to work toward it purpose
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
This project will seek to evaluate contemporary conditions in Garner's Creek and small tributaries in the watershed following the formation of the district and resources that have been placed to work toward it purpose
Grant Awarded
This project will seek to evaluate contemporary conditions in Garner's Creek and small tributaries in the watershed following the formation of the district and resources that have been placed to work toward it purpose