Beaver Creek (Beaver Dam Watershed) TWA/WQ Plan, Columbia and Dodge Counties


This is HUC12 evaluation of Beaver Creek is in the Beaver Dam Lake Watershed. Beaver Dam Lake is a 319 eligible area till 2018. Beaver Creek is HUC number 070900010903 and is located in Columbia (70%) and Dodge (30%) counties. This is be a biological evaluation since there is very limited and outdated biological information.
Beaver Creek Targeted Watershed Assessment: A Water Quality Report to Restore Wisconsin Watersheds

TWA WQ Plan Online


Project is necessary to collect updated biological data for this HUC 12. There are two unnamed waters of interest they include (5030365 & 836550) along with Beaver Creek WBIC (836500). This study investigates the following WBICs and Sites (5030365-1 site, 836550-3 sites, and 836500- 9 sites). The following was conducted: Fish IBI- up to 13 sites Macroinvertebrate Samples- up to 10 sites DNI sampling- 5 sites Flow- collected at all sites. Qualitative Habitat Evaluation- collected at all Sites sampled.


This project involved collecting new and updated biological data on Beaver Creek and two of its main tributaries. Biological data is outdated and limited at best. The study will result in: biological data will collected for Fish (IBI), Macroinvertebrates (HBI, MIBI), Diatoms- DNI samples, FLow, and Qualitative Habitat Evaluations. Data is entered into SWIMS, and FHDB SWIMS stations established for all new stations Final report is the Beaver Creek TWA WQ Monitoring Report

Study Design

Systems will be evaluated for biological data, flow data, and habitat. There is limited biological data for these three systems. Therefore it is necessary to go out and inventory these systems. Fish, Macoinvertebrates, Diatoms, flow, and habitat will be evaluated at up 13 sites in this HUC12, in the past only three sites have been evaluated and data goes back into the mid 1990's. This area has a UW-Madison Water Resources Management Practicum of 17 students also evaluating Beaver Dam Lake, Beaver Creek, and adjacent wetlands and uplands. This will be a great opportunity to also educate the practicum students. The data will also be shared with both Dodge and Columbia counties for watershed planning activities. Data with .

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Targeted Watershed Approach
Evaluation (TP SSC, Stressor, Bioassess)
Reports and Documents
The TWA/WQ Monitoring Report of the 2017 assessment of the Beaver Creek Watershed in Columbia and Dodge counties. Encompasses HUC 12 (070900010903).
This is a HUC12 evaluation of Beaver Creek which is in the Beaver Dam Lake Watershed. Beaver Dam Lake is a 319 eligible area till 2018. Beaver Creek is HUC number 070900010903. It is located in Columbia (70%) and Dodge (30%) counties. This will be a biological evaluation since there is very limited and outdated biological information.
Beaver Creek Watershed Monitoring Report (2017) Columbia and Dodge counties. Encompasses HUC 12 (070900010903).
Beaver Creek at CTH C (Amrhein Photo, 2017)
Beaver Creek at CTH C (Amrhein Photo, 2017)
Beaver Creek at CTH A in the Fall (Amrhein Photo, 2017)
Beaver Creek at CTH A (Amrhein Photo, 2017)
Beaver Creek at CTH C (Amrhein Photo, 2017)
Beaver Creek downstream of Beaver Creek Road
Sauk Co., entire stream listed nd approved in code NR102 as a ERW
Activities & Recommendations
Water Quality Planning
collect information on Beaver Creek for tables and naratives
Monitor Aquatic Biology
Fish IBI Macroinvertebrates MIBI DNI Habitat and Flow
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
TWA/319 for Beaver Creek HUC 12