Targeted Watershed Approach
Effectiveness (BMP, Other)
Legler Pioneer
Legler School looking dwnstream from STH 69 photo 1
Legler School Four Oaks 2017e Photo 3
Legler School Four Oaks 2017a Photo 1
Legler School looking upstream from STH 69 (trail)
Legler School Four Oaks Photo 4
Legler School_Non-project area5_10-7-14
Legler School Four Oaks 2017b Photo 2
Assessments and recommendations for the Watershed. Legler School Branch and Pioneer Valley Branch monitoring report
Macroinvertebrate Data For the final report on the status of Legler School Branch and Pioneer Valley Creek in Green County Wisconsin. This is a post-rehabilitation, watershed project assessment.
Legler School and Pioneer Valley TWA 2017-2018
Legler School and Pioneer Valley TWA 2017-2018
Legler School and Pioneer Valley TWA 2017-2018
Amrhein may be author (?)
This report summarizes the water chemistry sampling conducted during the 2012 growing season at the pour points of Pioneer Valley Creek (WBIC = 883100) and Legler School Branch (WBIC = 882900) prior to implementation of BMPs in their respective watersheds.
2004 Baseline Survey of Legler School Branch
Best Management Practices, Implement
Legler School and Pioneer Valley Creeks. Both of these creeks and their respective watersheds were part of a large-scale TRM project and EPA hypoxia grant that funded implementation of practices designed to reduce sediment and nutrient loading to these systems
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
This project will evaluate the effectiveness of practices on both of these streams which are on the 303(d) list because of habitat degradation caused by sedimentation. HUC12 070900040402.
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
Legler School and Pioneer Valley Creeks
Runoff Grant - Targeted Runoff Rural
Legler School and Pioneer Valley Creeks. Both of these creeks and their respective watersheds were part of a large-scale TRM project