IRON COUNTY: LCO-Iron County Shoreland Health Classification


Iron County Land and Water Conservation Dept is sponsoring a lake protection grant to monitor shorelands and begin implementing shoreland improvement and stormwater reduction projects in Iron County. Project activities include: 1) Perform 10 shoreland surveys; 2) Conduct social attitude assessment; 3) Assist regional DNR in accomplishing work plan objectives; 4) Perform shoreland information and education activities; 5) Provide technical assistance; 6) Initiate shoreland improvement and stormwater reduction projects; 7) Help fund part of the FTE Lakes Specialist position; 8) Develop annual and final report. Project deliverables include: 1) Shoreland data and maps; 2) Shoreland and stormwater projects; 3) FTE Lakes Specialist; 4) Annual and final report. Specific conditions for this project: 1) Draft of social attitude assessment needs Dept review and approval; 2) Draft of annual and final report need Dept review and approval. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of annual report, final report, shoreland data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.

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Lakes Grant
Lake Protection Grant
Reports and Documents
One of the goals in Iron County's Land and Water Resource Management Plan is to develop a long-term strategy to improve the quality of Iron County lakes and streams. Within this goal, there are multiple objectives and activities related to assessing shoreland health, correcting erosion and habitat degradation both in the littoral and riparian areas along lakes and rivers.
Activities & Recommendations
Lakes Protection Grant
Iron County Land and Water Conservation Dept is sponsoring a lake protection grant to monitor shorelands and begin implementing shoreland improvement and stormwater reduction projects in Iron County.
Grant Awarded
Iron County Land and Water Conservation Dept is sponsoring a lake protection grant to monitor shorelands and begin implementing shoreland improvement and stormwater reduction projects in Iron County. Project activities include: 1) Perform 10 shoreland surveys; 2) Conduct social attitude assessment; 3) Assist regional DNR in accomplishing work plan objectives; 4) Perform shoreland information and education activities; 5) Provide technical assistance; 6) Initiate shoreland improvement and stormwater reduction projects; 7) Help fund part of the FTE Lakes Specialist position; 8) Develop annual and final report.