River Grant
River Protection Grant
The 2017 Blue River project improved stream habitat along approximately 5,000 feet of the Blue River. Deeply incised stream banks were tapered at a ratio of six or seven to one where possible. Approximately 10,000 cubic yards of stream-bank soil were removed from the immediate flood plain. The 2017 Blue River project has improved habitat and angling opportunities as well as opportunities for enjoying the native plants and animals of Wisconsin.
Grant Awarded
Harry and Laura Nohr Chapter of Trout Unlimited will undertake a river restoration project which includes shoreline and bank restoration, in-stream fish habitat structures for approximately 4,000 feet of the Blue River and approximately 2,600 feet of Six Mile Branch. In-stream fish habitat to include log deflectors, root wads, rock weirs, lunker structures, rock deflectors, back water hooks, and a backwater refuge. Deliverables: This will reduce erosion and stream siltation, and improve habitat for fish and other aquatic biota, flush silt, provide gravel/cobble/rubble spawning habitat. In addition to providing fish habitat, the project will also provide refuge habitat for other shoreline and aquatic biota. A pictorial essay and report will be sent to donors and posted on TU's website. Summer interns will survey the stream and present results at the annual TU meeting.
Habitat Restoration - Instream
Harry and Laura Nohr Chapter of Trout Unlimited will undertake a river restoration project which includes shoreline and bank restoration, in-stream fish habitat structures for approximately 4,000 feet of the Blue River and approximately 2,600 feet of Six Mile Branch. In-stream fish habitat to include log deflectors, root wads, rock weirs, lunker structures, rock deflectors, back water hooks, and a backwater refuge. Deliverables: This will reduce erosion and stream siltation, and improve habitat for fish and other aquatic biota, flush silt, provide gravel/cobble/rubble spawning habitat. In addition to providing fish habitat, the project will also provide refuge habitat for other shoreline and aquatic biota. A pictorial essay and report will be sent to donors and posted on TU's website. Summer interns will survey the stream and present results at the annual TU meeting.