GOLDEN SANDS RC&D: EDR for Japanes Knotweed in the Tomorrow River Watershed


Golden Sands RC&D is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species Early Detection and Rapid Response grant for the monitoring, and control of Japanese Knotweed in the Tomorrow River Watershed. Project activities: Project activities include: 1) Survey each site of JKW prior to treatment; 2) Control JKW in Tomorrow River Watershed and complete additional follow-up monitoring post-treatment; 3) Train landowners on identification of JKW and how to control ; 4) Additional Outreach to the public regarding JKW education and training Project deliverables include: Project deliverables include: 1) Japanese Knotweed survey data and maps; 2) Annual reports and final report describing the findings of the Japanese Knotweed surveys and summary of control efforts in the watershed; 3) All data will be collected following Department approved protocols and entered into DNR\2019s SWIMS database. Specific project conditions: Specific conditions for this project: Annual reports and final report need Department review and approval. WDNR AIS Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of reports, all maps, and all invasive plants and any GIS data. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator and Lake\2019s Biologist.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Reports and Documents
Final report for the 2021-2023 Golden Sands RCD Tomorrow River\/Amherst Japanese Knotweed EDR
Example of the landowner packets that landowners received from CWIP which contains general information for knotweed control and restoration of the area.
Knotweed density information in a spreadsheet for the project period of 2021-2023
Photos of the stands of knotweed at various project locations.
Interim report for Central Wisconsin Invasives Partnership's EDR grant for japanese knotweed in the Tomorrow River watershed
A table of patch sizes and densities during the year of 2022
All of these photos were taken in the first week of July 2022, before the first cutting of the year.
All of these photos were taken in the first week of July 2022, before the first cutting of the year.
KMZ file with polygons showing knotweed patches for the project
Area and stem density of each knotweed patch
Photos of leaves from many of the Japanese knotweed patches included in the grant project, with tape measure for scale.
KMZ file with polygons of each Japanese knotweed patch surveyed in 2021
Table documenting each knotweed patch, patch area in acres, and average density of stems per square foot, from data collected in 2021.
PDF document containing photos, GPS coordinates, and EDDMapS links for each stand of Japanese knotweed included in the project.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded