CITY OF LA CROSSE: La Crosse River Marsh Comprehensive Watershed Complex


La Crosse Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department is sponsoring a project to complete hydrologic/hydraulic analysis of the La Crosse Marsh Complex and develop an implementation plan La Crosse Parks, Rec & Forestry Department is sponsoring a project to complete hydrologic/hydraulic analysis of the La Crosse Marsh Complex and develop a plan to stabilize the marsh hydrology, maintain an effective low maintenance trail system, reduce erosion, improve water quality and restore marsh habitat and ecosystems by improving invasive species control and reducing loss of forest/native vegetation due to persistent high water. Deliverables: 1) Prepare a preliminary hydrologic/hydrualic analysis focused on identifying impediments to natural flow and drainage 2) Develop implementation plan to improve connections and reduce the duration and extent of open water within the marsh based on collected data 3)Implementation plan will include short and long term solutions to adding resiliency to trails, preventing erosion, improve habitat and water quality of the marsh. Conditions: 1) WDNR review of the draft of the hydrologic/hydraulic analysis and implementation plan; 2) WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of data and reports/plans generated as a result of this project. 3) All data generated must be entered into the DNR SWIMS database 4) All sampling completed with Department approved protocols. If a consultant provides the final report, the Grantee should provide the DNR Stream Biologist with a draft for comment on the adequacy of the report prior to final paymetn to the consultant. DNR is to reciev both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with or prior to submission of the grantee's final payment

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Grant RP35821 awarded