TALL PINES CONSERVANCY: 319 - Mason Creek Stream Restoration - Schmidt Property


Tall Pines Conservancy is sponsoring a project to implement a stream restoration by remeandering a channelized and degraded section of Mason Creek in Waukesha County to restore and enhance stream function to approximately 1,600 linear feet. Project final deliverables include: Provide a list of all educational and outreach programs conducted as part of this grant. Analysis of water quality data collected and a summary report. Post-construction monitoring data will be compared to years of pre-construction data in this report. Construction of the proposed stream restoration in accordance with all approved permits, plans and specs. Establishment of diverse, native plant community in the riparian zone of the remeandered stream corridor. A 2-year post construction monitoring plan will be implemented, with issues addressed as they arise or during a yearly recommendation. Specific project activities include: 1) Continue educational and outreach programs; 2) Remove invasive shrubs, planting native species, cleaning culverts removing obstructions and improving hiking trails along corridor of Mason Creek 3) Conduct water quality monitoring on Mason Creek 4) Construct the proposed remeandering plans and specs according to approvals and permit conditions; 7) Complete 2 years of post-construction monitoring for erosion and evaluating the stability of newly established channel and seed and plant material. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Streams Biologist.

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River Grant
River Protection Grant
Reports and Documents
Documentation of grant activities completed as of September 30, 2022: education and outreach, permitting (including permits), pre-construction vegetation management, construction (including plans), revegetation, post-construction monitoring
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Grant RM08921 awarded