FOX LAKE INLAND LAKE P & R DISTRICT: Fox Lake-Alto Creek Monitoring


The Fox Lake ILPRD proposes to monitor water quality from the Alto Creek tributary on Fox Lake, Dodge County, to narrow down which watershed activities are contributing to the high concentration of nutrients being delivered to the lake. The project activities include: 1. sampling 5 sites on 4 dates for water quality parameters, 2. calculating instantaneous loads to the lake, and 3. the final report will identify the major sources of nutrients and suspended solids in this watershed. Deliverables for this grant include 1. the final report, with all raw data, 2. calculations of nutrient and sediment loads for each site and date, 3. recommendations for general remedial actions, and 4. all applicable ranking question deliverables. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an editable electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by sharing with the lake District.

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The Fox Lake ILPRD proposes to monitor water quality from the Alto Creek tributary on Fox Lake, Dodge County, to narrow down which watershed activities are contributing to the high concentration of nutrients being delivered to the lake. The project activities include: 1. sampling 5 sites on 4 dates for water quality parameters, 2. calculating instantaneous loads to the lake, and 3. the final report will identify the major sources of nutrients and suspended solids in this watershed. Deliverables for this grant include 1. the final report, with all raw data, 2. calculations of nutrient and sediment loads for each site and date, 3. recommendations for general remedial actions, and 4. all applicable ranking question deliverables.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment